Picture of a weed plant

4 Surprising Cannabis-Based Items That Help With Chronic Pain

Cannabis or otherwise known as Marijuana is a form of a plant that is now being used in both recreational and medicinal use. This plant has an ingredient which treats any psychotic disorder or prevents anything from happening. However, there are still people who are very apprehensive when it comes to its utilization.

Cannabis, its benefits and how it works are still debatable. In the US, there are already some states that allow recreational and medicinal use of cannabis. But some countries do not allow weed use and unfortunately, it has severe punishment for those who are caught using, selling or even buying one. But if you’re experiencing a painful illness, here are top cannabis-based items to help you with your dilemma:

Gumdrops. This is a popular candy among children. It is eaten and considered as a treat. And surprisingly, it is well-known in adults too and the reason behind isn’t as usual as you think it is.  But for most especially ones who are being tortured by pain on a daily basis, gumdrops are basically a God-send. Some gum drops these days are enlaced with the right amount of CBD and/or THC; let’s just say 10 mg and 2mg respectively. Most likely, an ounce of Cannabis is equivalent to 28grams. This means that in every milligram, there’s only so little that a grum drop can have. But you can go ahead and see further details from smoke.io for a fact check!

Body Balm. This body balm can be utilized on a part of the body that is in pain. Whether its muscle pain or any type of pain, a body balm is the right product to use. However, there’s just some pain that wouldn’t go away. Nevertheless, a good number of body balms right now have THC ingredient that soothes pain on the surface level. And if you’re someone who doesn’t want to experience any psychoactive effects, no need to worry. Since you will only be using this specific balm on a part of your body through rubbing it on your skin; you don’t need to ingest it. The CBD in body balms is also great for protecting you from everyday stress.

Cannabis tampons.

Now this one is for all the girls out there who just couldn’t stand period pains. Cannabis can now be found in tampons too. There has been quite a stir when this product was introduced but all with good feedback. Women now claim that they have positive menstruation with lesser to nothing pain. Supposedly, once this tampon is inserted in a woman’s private area, the body will absorb the THC through the bloodstream. This will cause it to relax the muscles and it will block out any pain. Kinda awesome, right?

Coffee and tea.

Other than happy cookies, brownies, and balms, there is one for your daily boost. Coffee and tea infused Cannabis are hitting the market as of today. If you’re looking for something to heighten your day amidst daily chronic pain, these products are for you. A study found taking Cannabis through drink is the most effective way of dealing with any sorts of pain since it goes through the system almost immediately.


 It’s not really surprising that Cannabis is now being used globally. This is in a way to help people who are dealing with pain on any level. There are studies and experiments today that are heightening medicinal evidence for Cannabis. It will only take a while for these to be realized around the world.

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