Healthy woman exercising by river

Seeing Preventative Health Tactics Working As Intended

More Elegant Than Machinery

The human body has much in common with mechanistic principles which underlie much of modern machinery. However, it’s worth noting that the human body is infinitely more intricate. Additionally, much of what defines modern mechanics come from a careful study of organic systems. Look at the reticular flagellum.

If you’re not familiar, this is a little “tail” that functions like the outboard motor on a motorboat does. Only, this “tail” spins owing to organic components that turn the implement very quickly, and very efficiently. Oh, and it’s a microscopic creature that this flagellum propels. Meanwhile, birds inspired airplanes, and presently, human DNA, the brain itself, and technology have many intersecting points.

Much of modern computation comes from mankind’s attempt to map the mind itself, and the complexity necessary in doing so. Feedback loops were discovered in this way and put to infinite use in computation. All this is beside the main point, though, which is this: in non-organic mechanization, preventative maintenance is key to health.

Where Mankind’s Biologic Aptitude Outpaces Machinery

It’s just the same with human bodies. To achieve and maintain peak health requires things like proper diet and exercise. Here’s where human beings differ from machines: we can better ourselves, organically and comprehensively augmenting our form. You can’t turn an Apple computer on and off a bunch, then find that it boots quicker.

What you’re likely going to do if you try something like that is burn the computer out one way or another. However, as a human being, you can stretch, you can run, jump, do push-ups, or whatever suits you, and see very real, tangible results. Still, sometimes you need a push in the right direction.

For those who have been exceptionally sedentary over long periods of time, getting the body back in proper shape will require a concerted effort, and it could be necessary to consult the auspices of certain medical professionals. For example, sometimes a person’s weight can impact their foot functionality, and it may not be a good idea to run.

Cramps aren’t always the result of lactic acid causing pain. Sometimes you broke something. If you feel that kind of a pain in your feet after starting a new exercise regimen, solutions like orthopedic doctors may be key. Here’s the thing: when it comes to preventative maintenance, it’s absolutely integral to “stay on the wagon”, as it were.

Staying On The Bodily Preventative Maintenance Wagon

It’s incredibly easy to get “knocked off” the wagon. Maybe your feet hurt owing to a slight sprain that takes two weeks to get back to normal. If you don’t work out, the last month’s gains may be lost. If you do work out, you won’t heal. What’s the solution? Augmentation. Instead of running, go swimming, or get on an elliptical machine, or one of those that simulate bicycling.

Healthy meal in a casserole dish

Much of preventative maintenance is going to involve what you eat, and how you exercise, but your psychological activity is likewise a component. Have you ever heard of “the will to live“? Well, as we get older, this will diminish, and so do our bodies. Telomerase is a compound produced to hold together the strands of your DNA, and it will wear down eventually.

The Final Piece Of The Puzzle: Mental Health

Telomeres, which are made of telomerase, sit at the end of DNA strands and diminish given time. Stress breaks them down even faster. Today’s modern world is replete with all kinds of stress, not least of which emanating from diverse technological innovations like social media. Too much technology can be bad for your mental health, affecting physical health through stress. Part of keeping yourself safe will involve metering your intake.

To have a healthy body, three things are necessary. First, give it the right fuel—organic foods which aren’t altered or injected with additives. Second, exercise in proper balance to your potential. Third: keep your mind evenly managed—in a phrase: solid mental health. Get these three things aligned and you will do much to prevent horrible health conditions known to hassle humanity in later years.

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