Close-up of a woman with acne on her face

5 Reasons Why Your Acne Isn’t Going Away

Acne can lower your self-esteem and leave you feeling frustrated. Besides simple blackheads and whiteheads, some people experience persistent acne that seems not to go away no matter what.

While acne may be difficult to rule out, the great thing is that our modern technology has produced promising machines that can help smoothen out acne and acne scars. Specialists also offer non-invasive treatments, such as INFINI. This is a laser treatment that uses both radiofrequency and microneedling techniques. INFINI triggers the skin’s natural healing process with stimulates collagen production and rejuvenates the skin. Continue reading here about INFINI and other treatments that help get rid of persistent acne and acne scars

But what is acne and why it is persistent for some?

What is Acne?

Acne is that unsightly bump you get because of many reasons. It may be caused by your environment, imbalanced hormones, allergies, bad diet, poor gut health, and more. Acne forms when hair follicles are clogged and infected. Dirt, sebum, and bacteria can find their way deep into your pores resulting in blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, or severe acne.

Acne usually occurs when puberty hits as the sebaceous glands produce more sebum. When too much sebum is produced, hair follicles get clogged with oil together with dirt, leading to the growth of acne-causing bacteria. 

There are several reasons why persistent acne exists:

Wrong Skin Care Program

Each person is unique. We have different skin conditions, lifestyles, and needs. One reason your acne might not be going away is that you heard from a friend that this specific product worked wonders for their skin. Well, what works for some may not work as well to you. Some people love skin lightening, while others prefer pore strips. This is why it’s essential to consult your doctor to identify which products are best for your skin type.

If you wish to go for over the counter products, opt for items that contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid to combat acne. Both of these are potent ingredients that directly target acne. Salicylic acid helps exfoliate and cleanse pores, at the same time, help with unclogging follicles from dirt, grime, sebum, and bacteria causing acne. Benzoyl peroxide targets the bacteria and kills it. The tandem of these 2 ingredients can help clear up the skin.

Consistent direct contact with bacteria

Acne around your face, particularly on the sides, jawline, and chin, may be caused by bacteria from your gadgets. Infection can’t completely heal when it is continuously exposed to bacteria. Your smartphone can collect dirt and bacteria that can prevent your acne from healing and even make them worse. Your follicles continue to accumulate dirt from items it has direct contact with. Do your skin a favor and always wipe your phone with handy wipes to get rid of bacteria.

Your computer and keyboard also harbor heaps of bacteria that can cause infection to your skin. Your hands and palm that touched your computer can transfer bacteria to your face, causing pimples and keeping acne infected. Invest in some disinfectant wipes to wipe down your computer or laptop.

Overusing Products

More isn’t always better. When treating acne, the right amount of product is just the recommended amount. There are certain ingredients that shouldn’t be used together. Mixing products and treatments without seeking advice from a specialist can cause unintended chemical reactions. For instance, mixing salicylic acid cleansers and facial scrubs may do more harm than good to your skin – since salicylic already acts as an exfoliant. Combining these 2 treatments may over-exfoliate your skin and worsen the irritation. Too much exposure to the wrong combined ingredients can stress your skin and cause more inflammation. 

Various beauty products and makeup which can clog pores
Make-up is notorious for clogging pores and causing skin problems!

Not Consistent with Your Skincare Regimen

Most skincare products need enough time to work their magic; this is also because your skin is adjusting to the potent ingredients. If you find yourself impatient with your skincare routine and keep changing products every week or two, then this might be the reason why your inflammation isn’t going away. Give your skin care regimen at least 6 weeks to 2 months before trying something else. Once your skin clears up, don’t immediately stop with the products you’re using. Instead, keep up with the regimen and slowly taper off.

Seek Help from a Specialist

Some acne, especially with severe cases, can’t be treated with over the counter products and may need some special treatment from specialists. Consult your doctor or dermatologist to determine which procedure can work with you. 

Some acne takes a very long time to go away, and may even extend their stay when it is continuously irritated. Be sure to keep your skin clean, stick with products that work for you, consult a dermatologist, and be patient with the process. 

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