Picture of honey, lemon, and sugar on a wooden board

Top 9 Benefits Of Organic, Natural Skin Care

Our skin is an amazing self-healing protective barrier that works for us day and night. It regulates our body temperature, keeps in vital moisture, and keeps bacteria out. It also reflects our greater health and well-being, often being the first indicator of systemic diseases. No wonder that the International League of Dermatological Societies — who work closely with the World Health Organisation promoting World Skin Day — advocate a healthy skin for all. Investing in a daily skincare routine ensures our skin remains healthy.

There are many benefits of using organic, natural products that are free from harmful chemicals. Let’s take a look at the top 9 benefits below.

1. Suitable for all skin types

Natural skin care products are kind to all skin types, no matter whether yours is oily, dry, or a combination of both. Because they are made with natural ingredients like manuka honey, organic skin cleansers and exfoliants are suitable for all.

2. Eco-friendly

This is something that benefits every one of us and our future generations. Ingredients like papaya, honey, and ginseng are naturally-occurring substances, which means there is no industrial manufacturing involved. As a result, there are fewer man-made harsh chemicals released into the environment, water supply, and more.

3. Anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties

Plant-based skincare regimes not only help to cleanse, tone, moisturize, and hydrate the skin, but also provide medicinal properties. For example, hydrating mists that contain witch hazel can be useful in treating a number of conditions such as acne, which is a distressing skin condition. Day creams containing green tea may also provide relief from dry, flaky skin.

4. Hydration for the skin

Woman's face above water level

Extreme temperatures, air conditioning, smoking, and drinking can all dehydrate the skin, causing a tightening effect and the appearance of lines and wrinkles. While drinking enough water each day is the #1 way to stay hydrated, natural products can help because they have hydrating properties to lock in skin moisture.

5. Helps to reduce stress levels

Natural skincare products with essential oil fragrances have a calming effect on the mind and body. Frangipani, for example, has a sedative effect that promotes a good night’s sleep and also helps to reduce stress. Using this as part of the evening routine before going to bed can benefit all users, especially after a hard day at work.

6. Fewer irritants

There are no harsh chemicals used in the manufacture of organic skincare products, which means they are much gentler on the skin. Conversely, preservatives and synthetics can cause irritation and allergies. Artificial products can cause blemishes and breakouts, and stimulate skin cells to multiply at a faster rate so that you become dry, flaky, and itchy. By using natural scrubs containing ingredients such as green coffee beans, pomegranate, and cranberry, you can gently remove dead skin layers without causing damage.

7. Peace of mind

We have enough to worry about these days, so it’d be nice to not have to worry about our skincare regime. Every day, there are articles and news stories about the detrimental effects of synthetic chemicals on our health. Knowing that you won’t be exposing your skin to dangerous toxins that can be absorbed through the pores will lend you peace of mind. Indeed, it’s reassuring to have a natural skincare regime based on ingredients from plants and other organics.

8. Kinder to your pockets

Coins and sprouted plants suggesting saving money

Investing in better-quality organic products makes economic sense in the long run. Off-the-shelf products that are cheaper may seem tempting, but they are cheaper for a reason. More often than not, these products contain tons of chemicals, so you end up using a lot of the product without feeling or seeing any benefit. Organic products are of better quality, and thus, smaller amounts last longer.

9. They work

Long before man-made skin products were around, people used natural ingredients with no side effects and better results. With natural ingredients, you can rest assured that there is a significantly lower chance of skin irritation, allergic reactions, and skin breakouts. With organic, plant-derived skincare, you will also enjoy natural scents that smell better than any chemical-based products. Restricting yourself to pure skin products not only benefits your overall health, but also encourages organic farming methods, further promoting biodiversity and recycling.

Parting Words

In order to protect your skin against toxic cosmetics and skincare products, ensure that you use an organic and natural skin regime. Plants used for the preparation of natural skin products are rich in essential oils without including chemicals. Start your organic skincare routine today and expect radiant, glowing, and flawless skin in no time!

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