Picture of a social rehabilitation center for drug addicts

How Does Outpatient Drug Rehab Work?

People have had substance abuse disorders since humans first discovered drugs. Many people use drugs for different reasons, but the fact remains that consumption of these substances is hazardous to your health. Luckily, there are multiple treatments for these substance abuse disorders; these treatments prove to be helpful can change lives for the better.

But what type of programs are there, and which one should you turn to for the best results?

Sure, there are several programs that may meet your needs, but many people turn to outpatient drug rehab programs because of their overall flexibility and opportunities.

This form of drug rehabilitation has been a highly debated topic among mental health professionals. Some argue that it isn’t effective enough, while others insist that it is the best way for drug addicts to manage their addictions. That said, here are some facts about outpatient drug rehab and explain how they work. Click here if you’re interested in finding out more about outpatient drug rehabs.

How Do Outpatient Drug Rehab Programs Work?

These centers are remarkably similar to the traditional form of rehabilitation centers. They adopt an astounding amount of the pre-established rules and regulations of drug rehabilitation. However, that’s where the similarity ends.

When a patient decides to enroll in this form of drug rehab, they are allowed to return to their everyday lives at the end of the session. They take all their rehab sessions in a therapists’ office, a hospital, or any other health establishment.

Indeed, many people who choose this method of treatment state that they feel a better sense of control. They feel less caged, which speeds up their treatment progress. Additionally, they also feel less stigmatized by other people when choosing this treatment mode, helping to keep their mental health in check.

Additionally, more people tend to go with these types of drug rehab centers because it is relatively more affordable. Inpatient drug rehab centers are more expensive because they accommodate all their patients for the whole treatment duration.

Types Of Alternative Drug Rehab Programs

There are several types of these flexible drug rehab programs, and they each have their applications. They are:

Day Programs

These are mostly used as a first, direct response to substance abuse treatment. Day programs, like at a drug rehab center Austin, provide the most care and have the most organized treatment sessions. Typically, you can decide how many days you want to attend sessions, but it is no fewer than five. Of course, you can choose to commit and go every day of the week altogether. It all depends on your commitment levels and your availability.

During this program, you will be required to participate in ongoing therapy forms such as recreational and CBT therapy. More often than not, you would also be obligated to participate in multiple group discussions, helping you realize that many others face addiction problems.

Intensive Outpatient programs

Unlike day programs, these are more goal-oriented. They involve flexible attendance of sessions but mandate that you meet the targets that they set. For example, they would let you be free to come and go quite flexibly but make sure you meet up to your goal of having fewer drinks for that week.

Completion of these tasks generally means more mastery over suppressing your addiction. Consequently, this means your commitment levels can further decrease. If you have daily commitments like work and school and don’t have enough time to enroll in a day program, this option is the next best thing.

Continuing Care

This form of therapy is involved after completing your treatment at a day program or an intensive outpatient program. It is popularly known that many people who complete treatment at a rehab fall back into habits after some time passes.

Multiple factors can influence their decision to pick up this habit again, but it poses dangerous health complications all the same.

That’s what continuing care programs are for. However, you may know them by more famous names such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.

Licensed by real health practitioners, these groups are designed to provide unending support to people trying to suppress their addictions. They meet a specific number of times each week to provide this support, and its members hold each other accountable.

Addiction Is Challenging But Novel Options Can Help

It is well known that one of the most challenging things to manage is drug addiction. Luckily, more flexible drug rehab programs exist as an excellent way for drug addicts to fight and continually win against their habits successfully.

If you think you are exhibiting some destructive behaviors due to your drug use or someone close to you, it would be best to get help as soon as possible. No drug is worth risking your life over.