Woman waking up after surgery

5 Ways To Speed Up Your Recovery After Surgery

Surgery can range from small to life-altering, but either way, it’s never usually pleasant. Speeding up the process is an appealing prospect and can be done for certain wounds. Following your healthcare provider’s instructions is your best option first and foremost, but there are a few tips that can help you along the way. Read on to find out how you can try and bounce back to your normal life in less time.

1. Upgrade Your Dressings

Normal bandages and dressings are just fine, however, using a xeroform dressing impregnated with an active ingredient such as Petroleum can be highly beneficial. They work by offering a huge moisture surge to the affected area which will help speed up the healing process as wounds, particularly for thicker contusions.

2. Maintain A Healthy Diet

Keeping a balanced diet will help you heal faster. Protein is essential to the skin’s rejuvenation thanks to its high content of amino acids. Pack in the protein and add lots of fruit and veg to your meals as they contain important nutrients you will need to help your body feel rebalanced after such a traumatic incident like surgery. Make sure you’re eating a decent helping of fiber as most pain medications can cause constipation which can lead to further complications. Load up on whole grains to keep yourself regular. If you’re struggling to eat, try making a smoothie full of fruit, veg, oats, and protein powder to keep yourself nourished.

3. Keep Your Hands To Yourself (And Keep Them Clean!)

Your incision may become itchy or sore once the healing process begins. Resit the urge to scratch the wound as you will interrupt the healing process. Ensure that every time your touch the area near your wound you have thoroughly washed your hands as the cut will be highly susceptible to infection. Make sure any clothes you’re wearing are also freshly washed to stop bacteria from entering the wound.

4. Keep An Eye On The Affected Area

Looking at a weeping wound is never enjoyable but it’s important you get to know your incision site so that you can notice any nasty changes. Look out for redness, swelling, unusual discharge or pus, or strong smells coming from the area. Also, pay attention to how you’re feeling. Wooziness, dizziness high temperatures, and fevers are all signs of infection. If you notice anything untoward, contact your health care provider immediately.

5. Rest

Letting your body rest and recuperate is important when it comes to healing. Straight after your surgery, your body will be rocked by the anesthesia, which can stay in your system for 24 hours. Sleeping it off will mean that when you awaken, your body is more likely to be fighting fit and ready to move forward with the healing process and you’ll feel a lot less groggy!

If you’ve recently recuperated from surgery, whether it’s minor or major, let us know your top tips for healing in the comments below to inspire others on their recovery journey!