Woman's hand holding a cannabis leaf

Does CBD Help to Solve Sleep Problems?

The Center for Disease Control has established that more than a third of American adults’ battle insomnia and other sleep challenges. Failing to enjoy enough sleep takes a toll on our health and blocks our bodies from optimum functioning. Sleep deprivation has a domino effect—the nights become long and agonizing; getting out of the bed becomes a problem, not to mention how it affects our quality of life through a decreased ability in the performance day to day activities. Additionally, lack of sufficient sleep hours exposes an individual to heart diseases, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, depression, and anxiety.

Different factors cause insomnia, and having a better understanding of insomnia is an excellent step towards seeking an effective and long-lasting solution.

Today, there are numerous solutions to lack of sleep, but one that stands out is the use of cannabidiol (CBD) products to help combat sleep problems. The use of CBD products to solve sleep problems is backed by a number of scientific evidences and supporting claims making individuals seeking CBD products confident in their choices. Click here to learn more about the benefits, side effects and best CBD products.

How Does CBD Work in Solving Sleep Issues?

According to Medical News Today, in comparison to a placebo, a 160 milligrams (mg) CBD dosage helps to increase the sleeping duration making it a viable option. Cortisol, the stress hormone, is relatively at a peak in the morning, but with people who have insomnia, the level of cortisone is high even at night. The high level of cortisol hormone results in constant awakening during the night, becoming a significant hindrance to quality sleep.

In another study, researchers discovered a significant drop of cortisone levels among people who took 300 or 600 mg of CBD oil, which suggested that CBD may be an excellent option for sleeping challenges.

The endocannabinoid system ensures there is balance in our bodies by maintaining core bodily functions, including mood, appetite, and maintaining cardiac rhythms, among others. The receptors interact with CBD to maintain the balance in the body, which may help us deal with anxiety and depression. These are some of the factors that interfere with ideal sleep patterns, and as CBD products help us deal with them, it results in better and improved sleep patterns.

A research published by Consumer Report shows that CBD products may help people with sleeping problems fall and stay asleep. Chronic insomnia has been known to cause anxiety. Individuals who battle sleeplessness have been linked to being anxious about other aspects of life. The more they have trouble falling and staying asleep, the more they worry about sleep patterns. Luckily, CDB products have proved to effectively manage sleep disorder, anxiety, and related mental health.

The success of CBD working in dealing with sleep challenges is affected by different factors. Research has indicated that the correct dosage and the appropriate time to take the products affect the outcomes. The weight, the body chemistry and the nature of the sleeping problems affect CBD products’ functionality. Users are often requested to start with low dosages while monitoring their bodies until they get to a mark that works for them.

CBD products that may help us deal with our challenging sleep patterns are available in different forms. There are;

CBD Oils: Are formulated to induce relaxation feelings and provide a refreshing night’s sleep while acting fast.

CBD tinctures Are broad-spectrum cannabinoid tinctures with CBD and other natural components that enhance sleep.

CBD tablets: They exist in various forms, which are dissolvable and are composed of 25mg CBD and 10mg melatonin for enriched sleep. The tablets are available in diverse flavors, including spearmint and strawberry.