Man with a toothache holding a warm towel to his face

7 Telltale Signs You Have a Tooth Infection (& What to Do)

Toothache or infected tooth? How can you tell the difference? Having a normal toothache is quite common.

There are several reasons why you might be experiencing toothaches and pains, such as teeth grinding and sinus swelling. At what point does the toothache become an actual tooth infection, however? It’s important for you to know the difference so you can act fast.

When experiencing a toothache, the first thing you do might not be to jump up and visit the dentist. You might take some over the counter pain reducer medication or apply an ice pack to your cheek. If it’s a tooth infected, though, you’ll want to visit your dentist as quickly as possible to prevent the infection from spreading.

Here are some of the tooth infection symptoms you should be on the lookout for!

1. Swelling

When a tooth becomes infected, the gums surrounding the tooth become infected as well. When left untreated, the gums, mouth, jaw, or face can become swollen as well. Although it’s common to experience this type of swelling after oral surgery or other dental procedures, it’s crucial for you to speak with your dentist about the healing process.

If the swelling lasts longer than it’s supposed to, then it’s time to contact your dentist. If you didn’t have a dental procedure done, and swelling forms without a reasonable cause, then an infection might be spreading.

2. Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity might not always be due to an infection. Some experience tooth sensitivity on a regular basis when eating or drinking hot or cold items. Regular tooth sensitivity can be due to a number of things.

What you need to be on the lookout for, however, is unusual tooth sensitivity. If you don’t normally have any issue drinking or eating hot and cold things and then all of a sudden do, it’s possible that there’s an infection.

You might also experience sensitivity to pressure as well when dealing with an infection.

3. Discoloration

If an infection takes over your tooth, and you don’t treat it right away, then there’s the possibility of the tooth dying. Once decay sets in, the coloring of your tooth will change. Any discoloration of a tooth is a sure sign that something’s not right.

A grey color usually indicates that the tooth is dying or dead. Unfortunately, once this happens, there’s no way to correct it, and teeth whitening agents won’t help either. That’s why it’s so essential to visit your dentist at the first sign of any tooth infection or problems.

4. Tenderness and Pain

With a tooth infection, comes tooth tenderness and pain. If you’ve recently been experiencing tooth pain when eating, it may be due to a tooth infection. As the infection spreads, it can reach the gums and the bone.

This pain might become so severe that even over the counter pain medications won’t help. In most cases, there will be a throbbing pain associated with it as well. As the first sign of any of these issues, make sure to schedule an appointment to see your dentist.

Root canal services might be required in order to remove the infection from the tooth and finally relieve you from the pain.

5. Difficulty Moving the Jaw

If the swelling and pain of a tooth become so intense that you have difficulty moving your jaw, then an infection could be present. Take a few moments to try opening your mouth and moving your jaw around. Does it hurt to do so?

Is the swelling so bad that you can’t open or move your jaw even though you’re trying? Contact your dentist immediately if so.

6. Fever and Chills

Like any other infection in the body, once it begins to spread or worsen, your entire body can fall ill. If the infected tooth isn’t treated properly, the infection will spread to other areas of the body, causing fever and possibly chills. This is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong and trying to fight off the infection itself.

If you’re experiencing tooth pain and begin to develop a fever or feel ill in general, then you’ll want to seek out medical attention as soon as possible.

7. A Bad Taste

When’s the last time you tasted an infection? If you could imagine what an infection would taste like, you most likely wouldn’t think of something delightful. When an infection grows inside your mouth, you might experience a bad taste.

If you’ve noticed a bad taste in your mouth or have noticed bad breath recently, then these could be signs that an infection is growing inside your mouth. There might also be a salty fluid in your mouth coming from the infection as well. The salty fluid comes from the infection, which you’ll want to treat quickly.

Do You Have a Tooth Infection?

Are you currently suffering from a tooth infection? Although a toothache might not seem like a serious problem at first, persisting tooth pain and tenderness that eventually leads to any of these other symptoms listed above should be treated as soon as possible.

When an infected tooth goes without treatment, your entire body can fall ill, and you could end up losing your entire tooth as well. To prevent this from happening, be sure to keep this guide handy and know the signs of a tooth infection.

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