Woman smiling with straight teeth

Top 3 Dental Treatments to Straighten Your Teeth

The majority of us would love to have the same smile and teeth that are always advertised in dental commercials or celebrity magazines, even with the sparkle that shoots out from the corner of the mouth every time someone shows their clear white, straight veneers. The good news is, there is a high possibility of this happening because, in the 21st century, we have new and innovative ways to not only get our teeth white but also get them straight and near-perfect within a matter of just a few weeks. A glimpse into this can be found here.

If you are asking us how this can be, keep on reading. This article will touch on three dental treatments that are at your disposal to help you straighten your teeth in the quickest times possible via a professional dental practitioner that can transform any smile no matter how complicated the procedure. So, let’s dive right into this fascinating topic, shall we?

Option 1. Porcelain or Dental Veneers

When teeth straightening techniques first came out back in the early 1900s, they comprised of wires that were meant to be placed in the mouth constantly, that would push the teeth in place and needed to be adjusted every couple of weeks, this was also coupled by the awful option of what many called “railway tracks” which were a bunch of metal squares attached to your teeth and connected by a wire, which was a permanent fixture that would be removed after years of pain and endearing embarrassment of food getting stuck in between those metal squares, not to mention the nightmare of brushing.

Enter the 21st century and the dawn of the veneers, an option you can use that does not involve wearing those wire braces of any kind. Most of those celebrities you see on television or in advertisements have gotten these done by their dentists. These are custom made “shells” that resemble the natural color of teeth and are inserted into the teeth. The point to note with this is that they are not used to move your teeth significantly in any way, but rather to cover up and crooked teeth, gaps, or a misaligned tooth with this thin layer of enamel.

In time though, there is a possibility of it working towards straightening the teeth or lessening the gaps between them. The natural enamel is first removed to replace it with this new one  https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/guide/veneers#1

Option 2. Metal Wire Retainers

These will be your traditional retainers, i.e. the simplest version of wired braces or the ones with “tracks”. Which for some people still do make a difference and are the most cost-effective solution, however, may take a while to get the job done. The point to note here is that these only work for those with mild or moderate fixing needed.

Many of the patients are required to wear them only at night while sleeping, but sometimes they tend to fall out of your mouth if not fitted correctly. For extreme cases, wearing them during the day may help. Used mainly for crooked or crowding teeth, these have been around the longest and are being phased out slowly by dentists, due to the more innovative and effective treatments such as Invisalign.

These braces are created using a metal material, either from stainless steel or titanium. Over time, the pressure of the wire on your teeth will result in them moving around and adjusting to the “mold” created by the unit in your mouth. Regular check-ins with the dentist are required to get them tightened. This is also known as a “fixed retainer”.

Option 3. Invisalign

Did you know that the average time it takes to treat a patient’s teeth in making them straight with this method is 1 year and that the success rate of this is almost 96%? That’s quite astonishing seeing as this is the newest form and has become the most popular since it first came out in the 90s. So, if you’re wondering is Invisalign worthwhile? You may have just gotten your answer.

The idea that aligners only work for minor teeth issues is a false one, and many people think this, however, whether the problem is big or small, they work all the same and deliver amazing results, especially theses types of aligners, known as Invisalign’s. they comprise of clear braces, but without the wire, and can treat anything from malocclusion to and underbite or an overbite. Gapped teeth can also be fixed with these as the simplest of processes.

If you are wondering how they work, basically the idea behind them is that unlike your traditional braces, mentioned above, which push or pull your teeth in all directions for optimal alignment this unit uses its very own series of aligners, custom made and tailored specifically to your mouth. Someone else’s piece will not work or fit in your mouth.

The 3D technology that is coupled with Invisalign, is so advanced and innovative that it maps out the plan for your treatment, having first designed the piece, gotten it manufactured by the relevant parties such as Align Technology. Once the plan is placed, the original set will be custom fit to suit your mouth, thereafter you revisit the dentist every couple of weeks to get a fresh pair, due to your teeth have moved and space being made in your mouth.

For the majority of the population, braces are the safest and possibly the most effective way of getting their choppers straight, however, not everyone can afford to keep going back and forth to the dentist and spend more to get them readjusted, let alone looking after them constantly. With Invisalign, the only care that’s needed is either in soaking them in a special cleaner made for them, overnight and every day after meals, by gently brushing them with a soft brush to keep them clean, find out more on this website. The best part is they are barely noticeable as they are clear, and no one will be able to tell when you have one on.