Transport Wheelchairs: Benefits, Features, & More

For many people with disabilities around the world, transport wheelchairs are absolutely necessary. These specialized wheelchairs help people with disabilities to be mobile without having to use crutches. As of late, there has been a rush of lightweight, foldable transport chairs that offer extremely good portability.

What are the benefits of transport wheelchairs?

Lightweight transport wheelchairs offer many benefits that will be attractive to most users. Below, we’ll discuss some of these benefits in more detail.

Allows for independence

Wheelchairs are special in that they allow the user to be independently mobile — the user isn’t dependent on any other person to move around. Indeed, because these wheelchairs are self-propelling, someone using the chair won’t need another person nearby to help out. Through their lightweight, ergonomic design, transport chairs allow the user to move around without much strain at all. Most models can support up to 250 lbs, while some models are also available for heavier users.

Low cost

In addition to the independence they offer, transport wheelchairs are much less expensive than fully motorized, heavy wheelchairs. With a low budget – even under $100 – you can find one that suits all of your needs.

Usable inside and outside

Compared to motorized, heavier wheelchairs, transport chairs are easy to move around in. This means you can move from indoors to outdoors without the annoyance of switching to a different chair every time. Additionally, because transport wheelchairs are low profile and lightweight, you can easily move around your house in them. You won’t have any trouble slipping through halls and doorways, cooking in your kitchen, or doing something else.

Highly portable

As we alluded to above, transport chairs are lightweight pieces of equipment – and usually foldable, too. This means a user can easily slide their transport chair into their car trunk, the backseat, or somewhere else without taking up much room.

Most important factors to consider

When buying a lightweight transport wheelchair, there are quite a few considerations to be mindful of. You’ll want to have a great understanding of these factors in order to make the best purchase for your needs. Below, we’ll discuss the primary factors in choosing transport chairs.

Your lifestyle

The type of wheelchair you choose will be highly dependent on the kind of life you live. Are you super active, or more sedentary? Do you stay indoors a lot, or venture outdoors often? You may want a more rugged transport wheelchair if you’re expecting more outdoor use. Keep this in mind when making your choice.

Amount of cushioning

Anyone who’s ridden a bike for a long period of time will tell you that a bad seat can ruin your day. The same is true of wheelchairs. You’ll want to ensure you buy one that provides ample support for your posterior. There are three main types of seat cushions – comfort, preventive, and positioning. Comfort cushions focus on making the chair comfier. Preventive seats ensure you don’t feel pain or get sores from sitting. Positioning cushions focus on adjusting and maintaining your posture.

Foot and leg support

Before buying this equipment, consider the footrest and leg-rest. Does the unit’s footrest offer you enough foot and ankle support? Does the leg-rest provide adequate support for your entire leg? If you’re someone that needs more lower body support, then choose a transport chair with better foot/leg rests.

Parting words

In this guide, we’ve discussed the benefits of transport wheelchairs and some of the most important factors to consider when buying one. Transport chairs can greatly improve your quality of life, but only if you choose one that works well for your needs. Remember to discuss your particular needs with a medical professional before making any purchase that could affect your health.