Woman walking with elderly woman in hospital hallway

8 Ways To Spot A Lousy Doctor

Sadly, not every doctor is as professional as patients expect them to be. Some doctors don’t pay much attention to the patient’s life and only care about getting the work done. And some are just terrible with routine tasks. It is easy to spot such doctors since they always stick out like a sore thumb. As a patient, you have every right to get proper and adequate treatment. However, sometimes you match with a doctor who isn’t suitable for anyone. These doctors are careless, reckless and retract their statements if a case goes wrong.

It is also no surprise if these doctors have had their share of medical malpractice lawsuits. Therefore, the minute you feel the doctor isn’t right for you, ask for another one. It doesn’t matter if these doctors are old-fashioned or overworked. When they start using racial slurs, are disrespectful, and discredit other doctors, you need to avoid them. Here’s how you can spot these nonprofessionals.

1. Watch their attitude

A doctor’s first concern is always ensuring that you’re not in pain and are comfortable. If you feel the doctor you’re seeing is rude and abrasive, you should ask for another doctor. Doctors with a bad attitude aren’t interested in the well-being of their patients. They talk over them, interrupt them or subject them to meaningless treatment and pain. If the doctor you see ticks all these boxes, then you’ve landed with a bad apple. Get rid of it ASAP.

2. Has a habit of messing up cases

Minor, inconsequential mistakes in a hospital setting might be ignorable. However, if the doctor has a pattern of misdiagnosis and poor communication, you need to be vigilant. Here’s a situation- you or your female partner are in the delivery room about to give birth. Suppose the doctor handles your newborn roughly, leading to a birth-related injury. In such cases, seek legal assistance and file a lawsuit against the doctor. Medical negligence can change your entire lifestyle- or that of your newborn. You are also well within your legal rights if the treatment you undergo comprises your health. If you get hurt or lose a limb, you may press for a lawsuit.

3. Arrives late for an appointment

Not all doctors show up on time, and to some extent, that is okay. Doctors are handling multiple cases at once and sometimes may walk in 5 minutes late. However, a nurse will let you know when to expect your doctor. If your doctor has a constant habit of coming late for as much as 30 minutes, you can walk out. Not only are they unprofessional, but without a genuine reason, they aren’t allowed to come in late. Doctors with a lousy bedside manner will not apologize for their lateness and speed diagnose you. You deserve to have your time with your doctor and if they can’t give it to you, change your doctor.

4. Make you uncomfortable

Sometimes while talking to a doctor, you may feel they don’t know what they’re talking about. You may feel their knowledge is incomplete. They are rough with you and brush aside if you feel pain. These doctors may also prevent you from having a nurse or a family member in the room. So, if you feel even slightly uncomfortable and apprehensive, you should leave the examination room or doctor’s office. A good doctor will never let you feel cornered. You’re allowed to have a friend or family with you in the exam room. If the doctor tries to grope you inappropriately, that’s a big red flag. Call out such (un)professionals for harassment.

5. Subject you to over-treatment

A lousy doctor will try to get you to take a series of tests. Not all of these tests are necessary for you. Doctors who recommend unnecessary tests are either unsure of their knowledge or want you to drown in medical expenses. Over subjecting to tests can charter into malpractice territories. Subjecting you to unnecessary tests may also put stress on your insurance due to piling medical bills. If a doctor is vague about what you have and doesn’t ask you many questions, you should pay attention. You may press them for answers, and if they honestly and clearly can’t tell you, that means they might not know what they’re talking about. You may ask for another doctor or take it up to the hospital’s board in such cases.

6. Uses outdated techniques

Your doctor needs to know the latest medical developments. If your current doctor is not unaware of the latest technological advancements and updated practices in healthcare, consider another service provider. Doctors who subject patients to outdated practices have no regard for patient safety. These techniques may also be painful and not as accurate as the latest methods. If a doctor is unwilling to step out of their comfort zone, you need a better doctor. A doctor should always run options with you instead of prescribing a dated technique. They need to have information regarding every possible procedure and inform you about the details. However, if they’re hesitating from telling you, that means the doctor has no hint of their own. A misinformed doctor makes for a bad doctor, so don’t risk your health.

7. Does not respect you

A doctor’s job is to make recommendations, but they can’t be unsolicited. A doctor cannot make comments on how you look or the life choices you make. Suppose you’re having a baby with your partner. It is not a doctor’s place to say, get married first. There need to be both personal and respectful boundaries. Unless the comment is medically relevant, a doctor cannot say it to you. They can’t even pass comments such as you’d look better if you got Botox. A doctor’s job is to guide you and help you. There is no space for commentary on the job. A doctor isn’t allowed to condescend to you. If you have any questions, no matter how basic they may seem, they should answer. There are hospital protocols in place when things get heated, such as a patient getting angry. However, a doctor cannot yell or scream at a patient to get their point across.

8. They ask too many personal questions

Some doctors strike up conversations with their patients. But the topics are primarily generic or a quick joke that is related to the circumstances. For example, if a child is getting treated, a doctor may make pop culture references to make them comfortable. However, if the questions start becoming too personal, they need to pull back. Doctors only ask personal questions if it is related to your case. If they’re testing you for an STD, they may ask you about your sex life. Personal questions have no space in a doctor’s room. They are not allowed to get information on you that you’re not willing to share. A doctor is also not allowed to contact your number and strike up a conversation. They also have no reason to text you. Any hospital visits and follow-ups get sent to you through the hospital’s database.

Wrap up

Not every doctor is a professional- some are ill-mannered and highly unprofessional. You need to avoid such medical providers as they can endanger your life and destroy your faith in the healthcare system. A lousy doctor will make you uncomfortable. They may subject you to unnecessary comments and treatments. They may also have incomplete knowledge yet never accept their mistakes. Such doctors may hurt not only you but also your children. Therefore, if you feel uneasy in their presence, ask for a switch. If the doctor is too tardy and makes too many personal comments, go for another professional. Nothing is more valuable than your life, so never compromise in choosing only the best medical care provider for yourself and your loved ones.