Picture of a car accident in Rome

Common Causes of Car Accidents and How to Prevent Them

Unfortunately, car crashes are common in the United States, taking thousands of lives every year. Other dire consequences of getting into a car accident include loss of earnings, permanent injury, or losing someone you love. Therefore, it is important to drive carefully and abide by the traffic laws so that no one is put at risk.

Most car accidents are a result of human error. It doesn’t matter if you are a new teenage driver or have been behind the wheel for 40 years, you are still prone to making mistakes. And, if you are not careful enough, you might end up causing huge damage to yourself or someone else.

Some of the most prevalent causes of car accidents have been listed below. Find out what actions can you start taking to prevent them:

Over Speeding

Do you know that speeding is the second most common cause of road accidents? While it may be tempting to push the accelerator while you’re running late, but nothing is worth more than your life. It is always better to stay within the given speed limit if one wants to avoid an unpleasant incident.

No matter how valid your reason for speeding is, the truth is that the faster your vehicle is moving, the less control you have over it. Always stay within the speed limit not just to avoid the ticket but also for the safety of everyone on the road. Resist your urge and be a responsible citizen.

Driving under the Influence

Driving while you’re drunk is the surest way to end up in trouble. It is not just alcohol, but terrible accidents have been caused by marijuana, cocaine, heroin, prescription pills, and other drugs. Never get behind the wheel after taking any medicine that causes drowsiness.

If you are far from home while being intoxicated, it is better to let someone else drive or hire a taxi. You can even think of spending the night at a nearby motel instead of putting anyone’s life at risk. Drunk driving is a gamble with the lives of people on the road, so don’t try it even for fun.

Being Distracted

Distracted driving has always been a very prominent reason for road accidents. In recent years, it has become worse because of smartphones. It is hard not to pass someone on the highway who’s scrolling down an app news feed. The problem with distracted driving is that a lot of people don’t even realize its gravity and seem to get away with it.

All your attention should be on the road while you’re driving, and this means no texting, no calls, no reading, and no makeup application. When you are in the driver’s seat, your only concern should be to drive carefully. If you have something important to do, pull over to the side of the road and proceed when done.


Rain can change the condition of the road drastically. While you cannot always avoid driving in the rain, it is better not to drive during heavy rains unless it is absolutely necessary for you to go out. Rain can reduce traction on the road, increase the chances of slipping, reduce visibility, and hide large potholes.

Maintain a very low speed and avoid pools of water unless you are familiar with the road. If possible, pull over and wait for the rain to subside before you can continue with your journey. No matter how experienced a driver you are, never take any risk during heavy rains.

Reckless Driving

Only speeding is not included in reckless driving. Quite often, we find people on the road who apply brakes sharply, accelerate abruptly, drive between the lanes, make illegal U-turns, or switch lanes without indicating. Not only is it extremely frustrating for other drivers, but it also makes accidents inevitable.

No matter what kind of emergency awaits you, it is not wise to put the safety of others on the road at risk. If you have encountered a driver like this on the road, it is important to stay calm and not act aggressively. Try to maintain a distance from them to ensure your own safety.

Driving during the Night

Driving in the daylight is dangerous, but during the night, the risk of a car accident is doubled because of poor visibility. The inability to see up ahead makes you unable to anticipate the way as you drive towards it. The moment the sun goes down, you should be more aware of your surroundings and the road.

Some of the streets don’t even have streetlights, so make sure that you use your full lights to avoid any visibility problem. Maintain a safe distance from the vehicles and keep an eye on the road to avoid any unexpected bumps.

Not Following Traffic Rules

As a driver, respecting the traffic rules should be your foremost concern. Never run red lights as your simple negligence can cost someone their life. One wrong move can lead to serious consequences, especially If the vehicle is at high speed. Also, follow the stop signs as intense car accidents are often a result of ignorance.

It is not just about getting a ticket, but it is about ensuring that you pose no threat to your own safety and that of others while being on the road. When you follow the traffic rules, you make sure that you are making the roads a safe place for everyone.


Despite all your efforts, if you have encountered a car accident, you must not panic. Your first instinct should be to get medical help and get a complete screening done to know how many injuries you have incurred. The sooner you start a treatment for these injuries through a specialist or a car accident chiropractor, the better are your chances of recovery.

Whenever you drive, keep in mind how wonderful your life is and why you should not take any step that can cause serious repercussions. Be careful on the road and ensure that you do everything in your capacity to save yourself and others from an adverse situation.