Surgeons using a telesurgery machine

Benefits and Uses of Machine-Vision Image-Guided Surgery (MvIGS)

Technology has been gradually advancing and developing over the years past, especially when it comes to medicine. According to researchers, the Machine-vision Image-Guided Surgery (MvIGS) system provides surgical guidance by using an optical non-ionizing light to obtain a three-dimensional scan of patients during surgery.

The 7D surgical system is the very first machine to have a visual image-assisted surgery platform. With the advent of telesurgery, Machine-vision Image-Guided Surgery is increasingly popular.

In this procedure, the surgeon uses a console that provides a three-dimensional view to control and make adjustments on the robot, hence providing surgical assistance and improving the accuracy of the machine.

The 7D image-guided surgery

7D image-guided surgery uses technology that is extremely similar to that used in self-driving cars; it can easily detect and register the spinal anatomy in seconds, without the need of any radiation. 

This current Machine-Vision Image-Guided Surgery (MvIGS) platform is not only recommended because it consumes less time when operating, but also because patients who seek spine surgery can be swiftly and efficiently scanned with the help of the 7D surgical flash technology. 

Benefits of the 7D image-guided surgery

The 7D image-guided surgery is well known for its numerous benefits. It is mainly used for the spine and cranial navigation. Some of its benefits include:

  • Reduces the chances of radiation exposure to the staff, surgeon and the patient 
  • Better workflow efficiencies
  • A flexible and cost-effective option 
  • Enables the surgeon to reach and operate on difficult or small areas
  • Allows doctors to navigate the spine without having to expose a large portion of it while still having an accurate three-dimensional view

One of the prime objectives of creating the 7D surgical system was to increase the rate at which traditional surgery takes place. The 7D operation is implementing the same light-based technology when it comes to performing cranial surgery; this is possible thanks to its improved tools and software.

How does the 7D Image Guided Surgery Minimize Radiation Contact?

This surgical system has a developed vision that lets surgeons swiftly obtained the image registration, and commence navigation without the presence of any device that emits radiation. The 7D image Guided MvIGS is able to get a three-dimensional scan thanks to an optical nonionizing structured beam. This procedure reduces the use of an x-ray machine. Hence minimizing the amount of radiation exposed to the patient, surgeon, and staff. 

Canada’s Public Perceptions of the MvIGS

One of the primary concerns in regard to robotic surgery is that the machine is doing most of the operation while the surgeon is less involved during the critic procedure. It is essential for people to understand that the device is just another powerful tool that the surgeon is using; hence the surgeon is in total control.

Doctors using this surgical machine are highly recommending it due to its conveniences and accuracy. The MvIGS has also aided in the reduction of congestion in health facilities since it consumes little time when operating, and patients are likely to leave hospitals earlier than the expected time.

The exposure to radiation is known to have hazardous consequences. Hence several patients prefer the use of MvIGS devices since it reduces the chances of one getting the illnesses that are caused by radiation. 

Benefits of the MvIGS

The MvIGS is known to have several advantages, some of which include:

  1. When comparing the MvIGS system to the traditional operation methods, the patient is least likely to experience pain during and after the operation. This has lead to the popularity of MvIGS devices.
  2. Patients are also likely to be discharged earlier than the expected time.
  3. Some of the MvIGS allows the surgeons to operate under 3D, hence giving them a depth of view that they don’t have with microscopic cases and 2D cases.

This is but a few of the benefits that the Machine-Vision Image Guided Surgery (MvIGS) has provided. 

Is The Device Accurate?

The machine’s vision comprises of camera technology, a medium of light, and software that creates an image that can be studied, analyzed, and processed. By implementing the machine vision, the 7D is said to have an improved accuracy compared to the initial surgical machines. 

The Telesurgery 

This is an operational procedure that takes place without the presence of a surgeon. This is possible thanks to the medical advancement in the technological department. The telesurgery provides several advantages patients, for instance it reduces the traveling and healthcare cost.