Digital illustration of stem cells

Regenerative Medicine for Orthopedic Conditions 

Our musculoskeletal system comprises bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons, and is prone to many injuries and damages. Also, there can be a sudden trauma that can affect a person’s mobility. Age-related arthritis, ligament injuries, muscle sprain, and tendon tears are the most common orthopedic problems. Conservative treatment options, such as the use of pain relievers, anti-inflammatory medications, and physical therapy, would give symptomatic relief. However, chronic orthopedic conditions might require a surgical intervention that often carries certain risks and side effects post-procedure.

Regenerative treatments for orthopedic conditions are a cutting-edge option that helps you to avoid elective surgeries. Much research has proven that non-surgical regenerative treatments with autologous stem cells and blood platelets can repair and replace the damaged tissue with a new healthy one. Stem cells are unique biological cells that have the potential to differentiate into various cell types in the body. Currently, there is extensive research happening regarding the use of stem cells in the treatment of various orthopedic conditions. Stem cell treatments are needle-based, same-day or outpatient protocols that do not involve an incision on the skin.

A wide range of orthopedic problems can be treated with the help of stem cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. Some of the common conditions include arthritis, back pain, herniated discs, ankle instability, shoulder pain, trigger finger, knee pain, meniscus tears, elbow pain and many other musculoskeletal conditions.

Autologous biological material to regrow the healthy tissue 

The use of stem cells and PRP injections has increased over the past decade. Stem cell injections are prepared in a laboratory from the bone marrow-derived stem cells of the patient. The concentrated form of stem cells is injected into the site of injury or damage to repair and regrow healthy tissue. The physicians use customized concentrations of stem cells according to the extent of damage and severity of the condition. In some instances, a stem cell dose of injection is followed by a PRP procedure. Our blood platelets have growth factors that enhance the growth of healthy tissue. Hence, a combination of stem cell and PRP injection will allow faster regeneration of the tissue.

In some people, degenerative conditions of the knee would require knee replacement surgery. In such cases, the doctor would suggest knee replacement surgery if the knee condition gets worsened day by day. Stem cell therapy is a desirable non-surgical treatment alternative to avoid knee replacement surgery. If you wish to avoid knee replacement surgery, one can find a good orthopedic physician who provides stem cell therapy in Dallas.

Sportspersons often get injured during a practice session or at the time of performance. No wonder that those injuries might sometimes give them a hard time to get back to playing their favorite sport. Whether it is a ligament sprain or a tendon tear, stem cell therapy and PRP procedures repair the damaged tissue and regenerate healthy cartilage tissue. Also, stem cell and PRP treatments reduce pain and inflammation at the site of injury. There are clinics that offer orthopedic stem cell treatment in Texas by employing your own bone marrow-derived stem cells and blood platelets.

The stem cell treatments and PRP procedures are the same-day protocols that do not require hospitalization. People who received stem cell treatments for various orthopedic conditions have found them to be highly effective with faster results. The recovery and rehabilitation periods post stem cell and PRP treatments are very minimal. However, one needs to perform specific physiotherapy exercises after receiving the treatment. This helps to enable faster recovery and highly beneficial results within less time.