Massage therapist massaging a foot

Where Can You Study Remedial Massage in Australia?

Are you interested in the manual therapy space? Do you want to get involved in the industry by becoming a remedial massage therapist? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

Although there are many job opportunities and positions in the space, interested individuals still need to study and complete the necessary qualifications in order to become a practicing remedial massage therapist in Australia. Keep reading to find out where you can study remedial massage in Australia and the professional qualifications you will need to practice!

Studying Remedial Massage at Australian Institutions

There are several tertiary education institutions in Australia which offer government-approved remedial massage courses. The Certificate IV in Massage Therapy (HLT42015) is a nationally recognized and entry-level qualification you will need to obtain in order to practice remedial massage in Australia.

You can undertake this course at the Chisholm Institute, TAFE (in SA, Gippsland, Wodonga, NSW, South Regional WA) and the Canberra Institute of Technology. The course content between all these institutions is the same and taught in similar ways, meaning you will not have to worry about missing out on relevant training.

Individuals interested in studying remedial massage can also undertake a Diploma of Health Science, which teaches the basics of health sciences as well as provides a pathway into further related studies and specializations (such as remedial massage). The Diploma of Health Science can be studied at Bond University or La Trobe University in Australia.

Other qualifications you can obtain to practice remedial massage in Australia include the Diploma of Remedial Massage or Bachelor of Occupational Therapy. TAFE offers the former as a follow-up course to the Certificate IV in Massage Therapy, as well as RMIT University, the Chisholm Institute and the Canberra Institute of Technology.

The latter Bachelor’s degree is offered at Deakin University, Charles Sturt University, Southern Cross University, Western Sydney University, Australian Catholic University, Griffith University and the University of Canberra. The course content and delivery will vary between the institutions, hence it is important to do your own research and determine which institution’s teaching methods may suit you best.

Further Qualifications You’ll Need to Practice Remedial Massage

After completing the relevant studies, you will need to register as a health practitioner with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (a governing industry body), current insurance and obtain a First Aid Certificate.

You may also look to join a professional association to network with others in similar professions and learn more about the industry. Associations such as the Australian Traditional Medicine Society, the Massage Association of Australia or the Association of Massage Therapists are great communities to join for aspiring remedial massage practitioners. Such associations may also offer continued development courses for their members to improve their skills and keep up to date with related research matters.

Are you looking to learn more about the remedial massage industry and how you can become a part of it? Speak with your local remedial massage therapist for more information and advice on how you can study and become a remedial massage practitioner!