Picture of a faucet dripping water into a cup

6 Awesome Health Benefits of Drinking Water

The human body is made of about 60% water. Health experts recommend that you take at least eight glasses of water every day. More individuals now realize the numerous health benefits that come with plenty of water consumption, making it the second most popular drink after soft drinks. While you may not necessarily need two liters in a day, there are limitless reasons to ensure you are properly hydrated. Water is an essential nutrient that your body requires to carry out various processes, all from digestion to metabolism. Have a look at some of the top health benefits to expect from drinking water.

1. Improves Physical Performance

Drinking plenty of water is the secret to boosting your physical performance, especially if you are an athlete or a fitness enthusiast. Dehydration can easily harm your physical performance when working out or during hot temperatures. These are times when your body loses lots of water through sweating, and you should therefore ensure that you have enough to make up for the lost water. Athletes tend to lose up to 10% of the water through sweating, and if you are not consuming enough, the results will be reduced motivation, increased fatigue, and altered body temperatures. Hydration prevents this and also prevents oxidative stress during high-intensity workouts.

2. Reduces Headaches

If you have been experiencing frequent, unexplainable headaches, the chances are that you are dehydrated. Dehydration has been shown to trigger migraine headaches in over 40% of people who took part in the survey. Studies have proven that drinking water helps to revive headaches, especially after a long, tiresome day. It revives your energy and increases your productivity.

3. Helps You Regulate Temperature

Drinking plenty of water is crucial for body temperature control and regulation. This is crucial, especially when carrying out heavy or energy-intensive exercises. Your body excretes a lot of water through sweat in such settings, which is crucial for cooling your body and maintaining body temperature. Sweating keeps your body cool, but this is impossible if you are not well hydrated. Your body loses plasma and electrolytes when not hydrated, making it hard for your body to maintain the ideal temperature.

4. Controls Calories

If you are looking to lose weight, then drinking water should be on the top list of things to do. You may work out and watch your diet, but if you are not observing water intake, the chances of losing weight are slim. You need water to help with digestion and metabolism. Also, drinking water helps you reduce your calorie intake. For starters, you will be able to stay away from unhealthy beverages that contain high amounts of calories.

Additionally, taking water before and after a meal is good for portion control. There are times when all you need is water and not food to revive your energy. When combined, all these benefits are equivalent to reduced calorie intake and better weight management.

5. Hydration Energizes Your Muscles

Lack of enough water in the body causes an electrolyte imbalance. This, in return, results in muscle fatigue, which is such a letdown when working out or carrying energy-intensive activities. When your muscle cells lack enough fluids, you get tired fast, which negatively affects your productivity. Taking the recommended amount of water is crucial when exercising to ensure that you have enough fluids to replace the water lost through sweating. This keeps the muscles strong and going even after working out for hours.

6. Helps Prevent and Treat Kidney Stones

Urinary stones are painful mineral crystal clumps in the urinary system. The condition makes you undergo pain when urinating. Among the common types of urinary stones are kidney stones, which occur in the kidneys. A range of studies has shown that water intake helps in preventing the recurrence of kidney stones. This is because fluids increase the amount of urine passed through the kidneys within a short period. This, in return, dilutes the minerals causing the kidneys, hence limited chances of crystallization. Water can also prevent the formation of kidney stones in the first place.

From these benefits, it is safe to say that water is everything you need for a healthy, functioning body. Drinking water keeps you rejuvenated, in a good mood improves your performance.