Two socially distanced women at the park

7 Healthy Living Tips for the Immunocompromised During a Pandemic

Our immune system plays a vital role in protecting our body from illness. Some disorders, however, can weaken the immune system and cause a person to become immunocompromised. These disorders can range from mild to severe and can include conditions such as diabetes, AIDS caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and certain types of cancer.

You can also become immunocompromised if you’re an elderly individual, are taking certain medications (such as anti-cancer drugs), or have undergone certain medical procedures like radiation therapy or organ transplant.

Today, there’s hardly a corner of the world that’s unaffected by the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, forcing health institutions to implement strict measures to control the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, given the infectivity, pathogenicity, and virulence of the disease, we do have to recognize that the pandemic situation puts immunocompromised individuals at a greater risk.

In view of this, we’ve come up with a list of simple yet highly effective measures that can help those with weakened immune systems to cope with their daily lives. Remember that these tips should never be taken as proper medical advice and that you should still seek the advice of a physician if you have specific concerns regarding your individual circumstances.

1. Wash Your Hands for at Least 20 Seconds

Hand-washing remains one of the best ways to control the spread of disease-causing germs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends washing your hands:

  • Before, after, and during food preparation
  • Before eating
  • After sneezing, coughing, or blowing your nose
  • Before and after caring for someone ill
  • After using the toilet

2. Maintain a Well-Balanced Diet

The diet of immunocompromised individuals can vary, but overall, eating plenty of fresh foods, fruits, and vegetables is a must.

Your dietician or health care provider may also suggest avoiding certain types of foods such as raw or unpasteurized milk, raw or undercooked meat, and raw eggs.

Moreover, any fruits and nuts should be thoroughly washed before consuming to protect yourself from harmful microorganisms.

3. Protect Yourself When Going Outdoors

A simple yet effective way to avoid direct contact with contaminated surfaces and airborne germs is to wear the right protection, such as a fashionable face mask or a pair of hand sleeves.

A pair of hand sleeves, in particular, can help protect both regular and immunocompromised individuals who want to avoid contracting illnesses through contact with contaminated surfaces and objects.

While a hand sleeve or a hand protector isn’t meant to replace hand washing or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer, it does offer an extra layer of protection for people who need to go out of their homes. If you choose a variant of arm sleeve that has antimicrobial properties, it can even eliminate microorganisms upon contact, which means the potential for the retransmission of germs is greatly reduced.

4. Stay Connected but Maintain Social Distancing

Isolation can easily lead to loneliness and depression, which, in turn, can affect your immune health. As such, get creative and find ways to talk to your friends and family. You can even build friendships with like-minded people online.

Email, text, call, or use video technology such as Skype, Zoom, and FaceTime to beat cabin fever while self-isolating and protecting your health at the same time.

5. Get Vaccination

At the time of this writing, there’s not yet an available vaccine for SARS-CoV-2, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider getting vaccinations for other risky illnesses if your doctor recommends them.

Keep in mind that having a weak immune system may prevent you from taking certain vaccines, so it’s best to discuss the options with your doctor and follow their recommendations.

6. Keep Your Spirits up in Quarantine

You can manage your stress levels while staying home through exercise, meditation, or simply indulging in a safe pastime such as painting or reading books.

It’s best to tailor the exercises and activities to match your fitness level, however. Practicing yoga, Tai chi, and meditation can also have beneficial effects on your health and help you adopt a more positive outlook.

7. Be Mindful of Pets

The risk of spreading a disease increases when you have pets at home. Then again, a pet can also help you deal with isolation if you’re immunocompromised, which can help you fight depression and reduce stress.

Your doctor should be able to tell you more about your ability to keep a furry, scaly, or tentacle-y friend, so consult with a medical professional first before anything else. 

We’re all well aware of the importance of keeping everything clean and sanitized at home, but protecting ourselves outdoors is a different scenario, especially if one is immunocompromised. Wearing the right protection and following other recommended health and safety measures can help us safeguard ourselves, our loved ones, and everyone else around us from infectious diseases.