Vitamins in the foreground with fruits in the background

What Every Vegan Should Know About Vitamin B12

Each year, more and more people switch to a vegan diet. Whether for ethical or health purposes, the demand for vegan-friendly foods and products is at an all time high!

While there are now more vegan food options than ever before, those living this lifestyle have to pay extra attention to the vitamins their body needs. As a lot of the nutrients we require come from animal products like meat and dairy, vegans have to seek alternative sources to maintain optimal health.

Vitamin B12 is one of the essential vitamins that mainly comes from animal sources. We’re here to take you through what every vegan should know about vitamin B12, including where to get it from.

What Is Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 is part of the vitamin B complex. The vitamin B complex consists of eight essential water-soluble vitamins. It is mainly found in animal foods, including fish, meat, milk and eggs.

 Why Your Body Needs Vitamin B12

The reason why vitamin B12 is mentioned so much, is because it contributes to several different functions in the body. As stated by the EFSA, it is most commonly known for contributing to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, as it promotes normal energy-yielding metabolism.

As well as contributing to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, vitamin B12 also:

  • Contributes to the maintenance of a healthy nervous system
  • Helps to maintain normal blood homocysteine levels
  • Supports cognitive performance

It doesn’t stop there. Vitamin B12 is also necessary for healthy teeth, bones, hair, skin and nails. You can see why it’s classed as such an essential vitamin!

Getting Vitamin B12 As A Vegan 

Those who eat meat, fish or dairy foods don’t have to focus on vitamin B12 so much. This is because they can get enough vitamin B12 from their diet alone. For vegans, however, this isn’t so simple.

Unlike many other vitamins, vitamin B12 can not be found in fruits, vegetables and grains. With this in mind, it’s important for vegans to look elsewhere for products that contain the essential vitamin.

Vegan-friendly sources of vitamin B12 include:

  • Breakfast cereals (fortified with B12)
  • Yeast extract (fortified with B12)
  • Unsweetened soya drinks (fortified with B12)

Alternative Options:

As you can see, only fortified vegan-approved products contain B12, meaning you have to put a lot of effort into the foods you eat. There is, however, another way to get enough of the vitamin.

Many vegans choose to take vitamin B supplements (or specific vitamin B12 supplements) to safeguard their daily intake. This gives those following a restricted diet peace of mind, ensuring that they are still giving their body what it needs to function normally.

Contrary to popular speculation, being vegan doesn’t mean you’ll end up vitamin-deficient. It’s all about knowing exactly where to find the right nutrients, as well as knowing when to take a supplement!

If you are a vegan and concerned about your nutritional intake, do not hesitate to speak to a nutritionist or health professional. They will assess your current diet and recommend more alternative ways to get all the nutrients you need.