Close-up photo of generic skin cream in a glass container

15 Beauty Supplements to Start Taking Now

The idea that true beauty comes from within is just about to get a whole new meaning. The beauty supplement industry is expected to be worth over $52 billion by the end of 2020. People are quickly realizing that beauty care isn’t about lotions and shampoos.

Vitamins for skin, hair, and nails are becoming increasingly popular. But with a market so large, it can be hard to know where to start. Don’t Panic! Let’s take a closer look at fifteen of the most important beauty supplements when it comes to taking care of your hair, skin, and nails.

1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A delivers several benefits to the skin if we take the right amount. Our vitamin A levels are depleted through exposure to sunlight and other environmental factors so it’s crucial to supplement.

Vitamin A normalizes skin cell function. This means it is crucial for preventing and healing breakouts, normalizing oil production, and promoting healthy collagen. Supplementing vitamin A is an important part of maintaining younger-looking skin.

2. Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant. This means that it can counteract the negative effect that free-radicals have on your skin. It can even block damage associated with UV rays. It acts as a sort of sun lotion, but from within!

Astaxanthin is used to treat skin damage caused by over-exposure to UV rays. It can help the skin heal and helps to improve moisture levels and elasticity of the skin.

3. Biotin

Biotin is one of the most popular beauty supplements out there. Biotin is a B-vitamin that can benefit the hair, skin, and nails. Biotin is responsible for helping to create amino acids that in turn produce keratin. Keratin makes up about 95% of hair, so having enough is essential for your hair’s health and strength.

Biotin also produces fatty acids that help to nourish the skin, which is an essential part of keeping a clear complexion. Biotin can also improve the thickness of your nails and help remedy weak, brittle nails.

4. Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays a vital part in collagen production. Collagen has several roles when it comes to skincare. Collagen is primarily responsible for aiding healing. This means that as skin cells are damaged through exposure to UV rays and other environmental hazards collagen help to repair the damage without leaving any lasting marks (wrinkles!).

Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant against free-radicals, so it is one of the best vitamins for reducing the damage caused by UV exposure. Vitamin C creams can also be applied to help brighten dark spots on the skin

5. Ceramides

Ceramides are lipids that are naturally found in the skin. The easiest way to think of them is as the mortar that holds the bricks together! They form a layer that keeps moisture in, helping to prevent irritation and dryness.

Over time the amount of ceramides in the skin decreases so supplementation is a must.  Ceramides are especially useful in treating skin conditions such as dry skin and eczema.

6. Cysteine

If you want to treat your hair, skin, and nails all at the same time, then cysteine is your new best friend. L-Cysteine is an amino acid that helps to build keratin. You might have heard keratin mentioned in regards to your hair, but it’s crucial to strengthening all three.

Cystine even helps your body to metabolize biotin. So the two should be paired for maximum effect.

7. Vitamin D

The only way to get enough vitamin D is from the sun. If you’re not geographically blessed you could be one of the billion people with a vitamin D deficiency. A deficiency which can lead to the following:

  • Hair loss – Vitamin D promotes the growth of new hair follicles. A deficiency can lead to stunted new hair growth and has even been linked to alopecia
  • Peeling Nails – Peeling nails on both the hands and feet can often mean that your body isn’t absorbing enough calcium due to a vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D also functions as an antioxidant so if you are deficient you might find that you develop fine lines on your skin quickly.

8. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is commonly used to treat sunburn and inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis. It is an extremely potent antioxidant that can be taken as a supplement and applied topically. Vitamin E also has moisturizing properties.

Vitamin E can also benefit your hair by helping to promote a healthy scalp. It can also help to prevent yellow nails syndrome, which can lead to peeling, cracked, and discolored nails. Vitamin E oil can be applied directly to brittle nails to help strengthen them.

9. Evening Primrose Oil

Evening primrose oil has been used medicinally for several issues including sore throats, PMS, and even hemorrhoids. However, it also has some amazing benefits for helping treat skin complaints.

It is useful in reducing skin inflammation which means it’s great at clearing up acne and reducing eczema symptoms. Evening Primrose oil can be taken orally or applied topically for skin complaints.

10. Fish Oils

Fish Oils are the wonder supplement! They can be used to aid in weight loss and even help to treat psychological disorders, but they also play a role in healthy skin, hair, and nails too!

The omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish oils help to regulate the skin’s oil production, balance hydration, subdue skin breakouts, and reduce the signs of aging skin. They can even help to soothe the irritation caused by dermatitis.

Omega-3 fatty acids can also help to moisturize and lubricate your nails, which helps to give them that healthy shine. It’s also possible that the fatty acids help to fight off inflammation in your nail bed making sure that your nails grow healthy.

11. Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is one of the most prominent ingredients in beauty supplements. It’s a gooey, clear substance that is naturally produced by the body. Its main purpose is to retain water and keep your tissues moist and lubricated.

In the skin, it binds with water to retain moisture. Keeping your skin moisturized is essential for preventing wrinkles and helping fight off outbreaks. Hyaluronic acid can help to keep skin firm and counteract the effects of aging skin.

It can be taken orally or used topically. Dermatologists are even injecting hyaluronic acid fillers to help maintain a firm and youthful appearance.

12. Iron

Low levels of iron in the blood have been linked to an increased chance of hair-loss. By supplementing iron and preventing a deficiency you are giving your hair a winning chance against shedding and reduced hair growth.

Iron is also responsible for providing all the cells in your body with an adequate amount of oxygen. Even the shape and overall appearance of your nails can be affected if you don’t have enough iron in your blood.

13. Vitamin K

Vitamin K is like first-aid for your skin. It’s most commonly given to people after they’ve had surgery as it can help to prevent swelling and bruising, helping your skin to get back to normal faster.

Vitamin K cream has also been found to help reduce the dark spots around your eyes. The dark spots around your eyes are often caused by weakened capillaries, much the same as they cause bruising. Vitamin K helps to strengthen these capillaries.

Using vitamin K can help to strengthen the skin. It’s a crucial supplement for fighting scars, stretch marks, and spider veins.

14. Manuka Honey

Unlike normal honey, Manuka honey contains a huge amount of enzymes. These enzymes give it huge antibacterial properties, making it a great ally in the fight against several skin conditions. Manuka honey also helps to balance your skin’s PH levels and even help to pull away dead skin debris when used topically as a face wash or mask.

15. Zinc

Last but by no means least is Zinc, one of the most important supplements of all. Zinc is commonly used to treat acne as well as help to maintain and improve immune system function. Zinc lowers inflammation, treats skin lesions, fights acne, and even decreases the visible signs of aging.

When taken orally zinc even aids in collagen synthesis and DNA repair, which means it can play a vital part in helping to keep skin looking younger and healthier. Zinc oxide can even be used topically as a UV filter.

Zinc also helps to ensure that the oil glands around each hair follicle are functioning properly making it a vital part of hair growth and repair. A steady supply of zinc is also necessary for the healthy growth of your nails.

Water and Beauty Supplements

One thing that should be mentioned that isn’t on the list is water! No matter how many of these fifteen beauty supplements you use, you’ll always be fighting a losing battle if you’re not adequately hydrated.

For persisting skin conditions always be sure to consult with a doctor or dermatologist before trying new products.

If you found this article useful and want to find out more about how to keep you and your skin happy and healthy then be sure to take a look around the rest of our site.