Picture of healthy skin, woman rubbing cream on hands

Essential Foods That Can Keep Your Skin Glowing This Winter

There’s nothing quite like that beautiful glow your skin has during the summer months. Unfortunately, by the time winter comes, your skin can be left looking a little dull and dreary thanks to the bleak weather outside. However, did you know that by swapping a few foods into your diet, you could help to improve your skin? Here’s a list of essential foods that can keep your skin glowing this winter:

1. Carrots

Carrots are a fantastic source of vitamin A, which is good for your eyes as well as your skin. Vitamin A can strength your skins outmost layer, helping to protect from blemish-causing bacteria and the harsh conditions of winter. They also contain lycopene, which can shield skin from potential UV damage.

2. Kale

Fresh kale is widely known for its tremendous health benefits which is why it’s used in everything from raw green smoothies to kale crisps. This leafy green is packed of skin-friendly nutrients including antioxidants, vitamins A, C and K plus essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium. This powerful combination of ingredients can help reduce dryness while firming skin.

3. Dark Chocolate

Chocolate that can also be good for your skin? It exists! Dark chocolate is credited with many health benefits, including helping to keep your skin hydrated thanks to its antioxidants. For it to have any impact, it needs to be chocolate that’s made with at least 60% cacao.

4. Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, perfect for vegetarians or vegans who don’t eat fish. Omega 3 can help with supple skin to keep it looking younger and wrinkle free. The best thing about flax seeds is that they are easy to introduce into your diet. Simply sprinkle them on porridge or include them in smoothies.

5. Green Tea

Luxury health resorts such as medical spa Wilmslow serve herbal teas to their guests before treatments. This is because it can help with detoxing and cleansing the body. It also includes ‘catechins’ which are molecules that encourage the outermost layer of your skin to regenerate.

6. Butternut Squash

Butternut squash are rich in vitamin A, which we already know is greatly beneficial to the skin. It also contains a great amount of vitamin C which is a key catalyst for building collagen. Collagen is one of the most popular ingredients in anti-ageing skincare product because it leaves your skin feeling plumper and smoother.

7. Salmon

Salmon is a commonly consumed health food for those on a diet or taking part in a fitness regime. It has several health benefits including essential fatty acids and vitamin B that helps the skin stay hydrated and glowing. An absolute saviour during the colder months.

8. Almonds

These satisfying little snacks are an amazing source zinc, iron, folic acid and vitamin E. It’s no secret that vitamin E is a popular ingredient in many skincare products thanks to their skin-boosting abilities. They help to fight the effects of pollution on the skin, nourishing it from the inside.

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