NASA Space Ship Taking Off

7 Fun Facts You Might Not Know About Orthodontics

When you think about Orthodontics, you probably do not get any ‘fun’ thoughts in your mind. Instead, you might find yourself dreading the thought itself.

To break your bubble, Orthodontics is actually an interesting field concerned with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of malpositioned teeth and jaws. 


1. NASA Is Associated With Making the Metal For Braces


The braces that we usually get in our teeth have wires made of nickel titanium. Nickel titanium is a metal that was produced for the purpose of space shuttles for NASA. The metal is heat-activated, which means it can made to remember a specific shape, hence making them perfect for braces wires as well!


2. Braces Predate the United States of America


Contrary to popular belief, braces are actually even older than the United States of America itself. While the technology used in braces today is obviously different, the concept of straightening your teeth can be traced back to 1728. 


3. Having Braces Improves the Health of Your Teeth


Those planning to get braces are often worried about the health of their teeth. They feel that they might not be able to keep their teeth as clean. However, the cement used for adhering metal brackets to the tooth releases fluoride into it, thereby keeping it clean and much healthier.


4. Around 25% of People Have to Get Orthodontic Treatments Twice


As unfortunate as it sounds, around a quarter or 25% actually have to get an orthodontic treatment the second time as well. This could be because they didn’t wear their retainer right, or because they got their first orthodontic treatment while their jaw was still developing. 


5. There Is No Specific Age for Getting Braces


Braces are not just designed for teenagers or adolescents. You can get your braces fitted in your 20s and 30s as well. Orthodontic treatments are supposed to help you out whenever, rather than leaving you with a troublesome set of teeth in your later years.

In the same manner, you are never too young to get braces either. In fact, kids as young as seven can also get braces thanks to the newest developments in orthodontics. 


6. There Are Other Ways to Get Your Teeth Straightened


Thanks to the progressing times, we now have newer technologies such as Invisalign, which can help us straightening our teeth. This means that braces are not the only way to fix your crooked teeth. Other wire treatments are also available now that can provide you even better results. You can find many of them at renowned centres such as Kingsley Orthodontics


7. All Orthodontists Are Dentists – But Not The Other Way Around!


Around only 6% of dentists are orthodontists, but all orthodontists are dentists. This means that if you want to get consultancy about the health of your mouth, you should visit an orthodontist, because an orthodontist will provide you full-fledged complete advice and treatment covering the whole of your mouth.