Baby sleeping on top of mother

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep (Top 3 Tips)

Do you toss and turn each night, barely getting enough sleep? If you do, you are not alone. You have at least 70 million compatriots in the U.S who also can’t seem to clock in the hours. 

A good night’s sleep is not a luxury. On the contrary, it is crucial to good health and mental well-being. If you want to function at an optimum level each day and avoid the onset of lifestyle diseases, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends at least 7 hours of sleep each day. Here’s how to make those hours count. 

Understand Your Body’s Internal Clock

Your body’s internal clock, or what experts refer to as the circadian rhythm, regulates your sleep/wake cycle. It tells your body when to sleep and when to be wide awake. 

That’s why you’d notice that there are times, you just can’t seem to move a muscle. And for others, sleep doesn’t just seem to come no matter what. If you stabilize your circadian rhythm, you’re more likely to get a good sleep regularly. Here are a few tips to keep your biological timekeeper in check.

  • Expose yourself to sunlight. If your daytime schedule doesn’t permit you to move about much, consider taking a stroll in the sunshine for at least 30 minutes. 
  • Stick to a regular sleep/wake schedule. You should go to bed and wake up at around the same time each day. It helps keep your circadian rhythm in step. 
  • Limit daytime naps. Occasional daytime naps have a way of upsetting your normal sleep cycle. 

Watch What You Take In

The kind of food you consume has far-reaching effects on your sleep cycles. Dense foods take longer to digest and may end up causing discomfort through the night. If you have to eat just before your bedtime, opt for something light. 

Alcohol may seem to rid you of your worries and get you to sleep quickly. However, it disrupts sleep. The effects of stimulants like nicotine and caffeine can take long to wear off, ultimately affecting your sleep pattern. 

Some have resorted to medications to force sleep. Alien, Dalmane, and Lunesta are some of the popular ones. However, these medications are not without some side effects. While some may be effective, you’d be better off with a natural sleep aid.

Create the Right Environment for Sleep

Always remember that your brain has a massive role in your sleeping cycle. If you’re stressed, sleep may be hard to come by. Exercise and the right nutrition during the day prepare your body for the night’s rest. 

Invest in the right mattress. After all, you’re likely to spend one-third of your life lying on it. Even if you work from home, don’t spend the entire day lying on bed and hoping to get a good night’s rest when the night comes. 

Typically, your bedroom should be quiet and calming. Do away with unnecessary light. An investment in blackout blinds or sleeping masks may be worth it. Others play relaxing songs or instrumentals to aid sleep. Also, avoid prolonged use of screens or use screen filters just before bed.


From Insomnia to restless legs, there is a wide array of reasons for little or no sleep during the night. Whatever the case is, you deserve a good night’s rest. Start by understanding and maintaining your body’s internal clock. 

Have a routine and stick to it religiously. Also, keep tabs on the food and beverages you consume. And don’t forget to create a serene and sleep-inducing environment in your house. With these steps, you should be on your way to sleep-utopia.