Dental Bridge Overview

3 Ways To Replace Missing Teeth

As adults, we lose teeth due to a variety of reasons. Missing teeth can come about as a result of an accident, injury, or even just over time in our old age. While some missing teeth can have little to no impact on our smiles or everyday life, in some cases it is important to ask your dentist in Geelong about your options for teeth replacement.

Why is this so? Well, if you lose a tooth in a prominent place, you could feel a lack of confidence or have problems speaking clearly due to your missing tooth. Besides that, your teeth are designed to work together, so missing several teeth can lead to issues with alignment or chewing in the long run. In fact, missing teeth can even slowly change the shape of your face, as it can cause your jawbone or existing teeth to shift.

With all this in mind, here are three solutions that are available to you when it comes to replacing your missing teeth.

1. Partial dentures

What are dentures? Dentures are prosthetic devices that consist of artificial gums and teeth. You can get full or partial dentures, so they are suitable for those who have a few or even most of their teeth missing. Dentures are usually made of plastic, nylon, or metal, and can be removed from your mouth.

Advantages: The upside of dentures is that they are a cost-effective tooth replacement solution, being much less expensive than other options. They are also a less invasive solution as you do not have to go through any surgeries to get dentures.

Disadvantages: Some people find dentures to be a less comfortable and less natural tooth replacement option. You may experience difficulty eating and speaking with dentures if they happen to slip around in your mouth. You may also have to stay away from certain types of foods. Moreover, dentures must be removed and cleaned daily.

2. Dental bridge

What is a dental bridge? A dental bridge is a structure that joins one or more artificial teeth to adjacent teeth or implants. The bridge is bonded to the teeth next to it with the use of dental cement. Unlike dentures, a dental bridge is a long-term tooth replacement solution and is not removable.

Advantages: Dental bridges tend to look more natural in comparison to dentures. They also feel more comfortable, and you will not have problems with slippage while eating and speaking. While they are more expensive than dentures, dental bridges are still cheaper than implants and less invasive than implants too.

Disadvantages: Because of the way they are structured, it can be more difficult to brush and floss around your dental bridge, which means you run the risk of tooth decay and infection if you are not careful. The teeth adjacent to your dental bridge must also remain strong enough to lend support to the bridge, especially if these are natural teeth instead of implants.

3. Dental implants

What are dental implants? Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium with an artificial tooth attached. Each dental implant is embedded into your jawbone, which is intended to fuse into your implant over time. Thus, dental implants act, look, and feel just like a natural tooth would.

Advantages: Dental implants can be considered the most natural-feeling tooth replacement solution of the three. Moreover, implants also offer this particular advantage: they help improve your facial structure as they stimulate bone growth in your jaw. Dental implants should last you a lifetime, too.

Disadvantages: The biggest barrier to dental implants is admittedly the high cost. Besides that, the whole process for dental implants takes months to complete, with multiple visits to the dentist and a few days of recovery after surgeries. You must also have the right type of jaw structure or bone strength in order to undergo dental implant procedures.

Find the best solution for you

At the end of the day, only you – with the help and advice of your dental specialist – can decide what is the best tooth replacement solution for you. Whether you decide to go for dentures, bridges, or implants, finding the right dentist to guide you will make the decision process and dental procedures a whole lot easier.