Dentist showing dental mold to patient

5 Warning Signs You May Need A Dental Implant

Getting a dental implant isn’t something that just happens out of the blue. Most of the time, there are obvious signs that let you know when you should consider getting dental implants. When these signs start popping up, it is time to start looking around for a prosthodontics clinic in Brisbane. Then, you can ask your prosthodontist any questions that you may have and be on your way to getting your smile back on track.

Dental implants are a tooth replacement solution, where an artificial root is placed into your jawbone to bond with your natural bone. This root will then act as a base for supporting one or more crowns, also known as artificial teeth. Dental implants look, feel, and act just like your natural teeth, thus making it a preferred solution over other options like dentures.

Here are five warning signs that can tell you whether it’s time to get dental implants done.

1) Missing teeth

If you have a missing tooth, or even missing teeth, then this is one unmistakable sign that you could need to get dental implants. Missing teeth can cause a great impact to your oral health and also lifestyle overall, so a solution should be found as soon as possible.

Why? Well, missing teeth can affect your self-confidence, especially if the missing tooth is in a prominent spot. Moreover, a missing tooth can also cause bigger problems, such as making the teeth around it shift position. Therefore, it’s important to get your missing tooth replaced, and dental implants are a great option for that.

2) Cracked and broken teeth

Cracked and broken teeth are also pretty big indicators that you may need to have dental implants done. In fact, some might say it is even more crucial to seek out a tooth replacement option for broken teeth compared to missing ones, because broken teeth can cause a lot of pain when left unattended in your mouth.

Generally speaking, most dentists will try to save as much of your damaged tooth as possible. However, if the tooth cannot be repaired, then the next course of action will be to extract it so that a dental implant can be placed there instead.

3) Decayed teeth

Just like cracked teeth, decayed teeth can cause you much pain and discomfort. Usually, it is the pain that prompts patients to visit the dentist to find out the root cause of the issue. Once it has been determined that your tooth is suffering from decay, your dentist will judge whether or not your tooth can be saved. If extraction is the solution, that’s when dental implants can be considered as an option.

You’ll be pleased to know that once you get a dental implant, you won’t have to worry about decay for that particular tooth anymore. Dental implants feel like natural teeth, but are not susceptible to decay like real teeth.

4) Changes to your facial structure

If you’ve experienced any one of the signs above, then you might be facing this particular symptom too. Changes to your facial structure usually occur when you have missing teeth, due to the loss of bone tissue in your jaw. This happens even when you are wearing dentures, as dentures do not stimulate bone growth. Thus, the bone keeps deteriorating over time and contributes to the sunken-in look in your face.

Fortunately, dental implants can stop this from worsening as they stimulate the underlying bone tissue, just like a natural tooth would. This encourages a stronger jaw and prevents the shrinking of bone tissue.

5) Problems eating or speaking

You may find it difficult to chew properly or evenly if you do not have all your teeth. Similarly, gaps in your teeth can cause you to have trouble with pronouncing certain words. These issues can also arise among patients who wear dentures, as dentures interfere with the way you chew and speak too. For a tooth replacement solution that lets you maintain a strong bite, as well as talk like you normally would, dental implants are your answer.

Parting Words

If you have experienced any one or more of these tell-tale signs above, and think that dental implants will be a good solution to your issues, then go ahead and contact a professional prosthodontist to discuss your options today.