4 Warning Signs To Seek Out Anxiety Treatment

Feeling anxious is a normal human emotion, especially when faced with challenging situations like taking a test or speaking to a crowd. While anxiety is commonly viewed negatively, it can be useful if kept to a minimum.

Researchers learned that a bit of stress or anxiety could make a person more proactive, determined, and prepared. Worrying about things going wrong can motivate people to put more effort and be ready for emergencies.

Nonetheless, prevalent feelings of anxiety can be detrimental to one’s overall wellbeing. When the feeling becomes uncontrollable, one should seek anxiety treatment. If you are wondering whether your anxiety is too severe to manage yourself, here are crucial signs that tell you if it is time for professional help:

1. Physical Signs

Whether you realize it or not, anxiety affects the different systems in your body as the feeling triggers the release of brain chemicals and hormones that impact how your body functions. While it is normal for you to experience rapid heartbeat, upset stomach, and sweating when you feel anxious, anxiety disorder multiplies these symptoms.

For instance, your heart is beating too fast that it feels like your chest is about to explode. You sweat too much, even if it is freezing outside or feel like passing out because of shortness of breath. In other words, if you feel that your body is reacting like you are being chased by a dangerous creature when you are merely doing an everyday task, you should seriously consider seeking help.

2. Psychological Signs

It is normal to get worried, especially if there is a valid reason like losing your job. But when the feeling becomes too intense that you worry about even the most basic things, it is another warning sign that you may need a mental health specialist to assist you.

Apart from constant worrying, another psychological symptom is overthinking. Do you tend to be overly concerned about the future? Do you find yourself beating yourself up over past mistakes? When you start dissecting every little thing as if it is a national security concern, your anxiety is getting the best of you. 

3. Behavioral Signs

Do you feel overly sensitive and angry most of the time? Keep in mind that anger can be used as a mask for a variety of emotions, including anxiety. Getting mad can be your defense mechanism to free yourself from anxious thoughts. Instead of admitting your issues, you project it outward and blame others.

While getting agitated and feeling angry can help release the tension for a bit, it does nothing to address the root cause — anxiety. As such, you need the guidance of a mental health practitioner to unmask the true meaning behind your behavioral change.

4. Evasion

It is normal to put off certain tasks that we find stressful. Nonetheless, if your default response to most things is avoidance, your anxiety may be more overwhelming than you care to admit.

Overcoming challenges is a part of life. The process helps you grow and mature. If you cannot do anything significant because of debilitating fear, you need professional help.

If you experienced any or all the signs mentioned above for a week or more, it is best to consider anxiety treatment as soon as possible. Find a facility with a team of registered and experienced mental health care professionals to help you deal with your anxious feelings to take control of your life.