4 Wart Removal Techniques That Podiatrists Swear By

Walking is the primary transportation mode for many locals and tourists in Sydney. It is even highly encouraged by its government, which spends over $15 million every year to develop pedestrian crossings and footpaths. While regular walking can boost one’s health, it can sometimes lead to plantar warts. People who walk a lot tend to force warts outside of the skin and develop calluses. As such, services like Wart removal in Sydney are common. Read on if you would like to know how to get rid of your pesky warts:

What are warts?

Warts are caused by human papillomavirus, which is considered as one of the most common viral infections found in the skin. Although it is non-cancerous, having it can make someone feel uncomfortable and conscious all the time.

The tendency of most people when they start developing warts is to remove it themselves. Sometimes, they would even use unsanitized scissors or tweezers to remove these outgrowths. Some people also treat it with over-the-counter medications that contain acids, which could also potentially kill healthy skin cells. Such a measure is potentially harmful to those with cardiovascular and diabetic problems. Aside from being unsafe, personally removing them by force is ineffective. Unless there is a medical intervention, they will keep sprouting again because the virus will remain on the skin.

Therefore, the wisest thing you could do if you have a plantar wart is to consult with a podiatrist. Board-certified podiatrists will often prescribe the following treatments for Wart removal in Sydney: swift therapy, cryotherapy, laser therapy, or minor surgery.

Here are 4 ways that podiatrists like to treat warts:

1. Swift therapy

Swift therapy is one of the most innovative ways of treating warts. It uses a medical microwave treatment procedure to induce proteins in the circulatory system to fight the human papillomavirus. It is considered one of the best options for warts removal because it is the safest and less intrusive all of the other choices. Most people in Sydney prefer this option because it does not require home aftercare.

2. Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is another game-changer in warts removal treatment. It involves the application of liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide in the infected area. This solution freezes wart so that they can be easily removed. It can be a painful procedure, so topical numbing anesthesia is often used before the treatment.

Patients who opt for cryotherapy often need 2-4 treatments before the virus gets completely removed. Additionally, the patient may feel slight discomfort for a few days after the procedure because of the burn. Nonetheless, it is an effective treatment that does not leave scars.

3. Laser removal

Meanwhile, laser removal uses a beam of light to destroy wart tissues. Just like cryotherapy, it also utilizes local anesthetic to alleviate the pain of removing warts. During the procedure, the intense light heats the blood vessels in the area to destroy them. By safely removing the tiny blood vessels, the human papillomavirus will have no place to regrow. Just like cryotherapy, it is also a highly effective way of removing warts. However, you should know beforehand that this procedure might leave scars, especially if warts have grown too big on the skin.

4. Minor surgery

Finally, podiatrists can also prescribe minor surgery if the problem is too serious. This procedure involves curettage and electrodesiccation to remove warts. In simple terms, your podiatrist will use a surgical knife to cut your warts and electrocute the surrounding skin. It is typically picked as the last resort when all the other treatment options have failed.

Podiatrists offer a lot of options to remove pesky warts. Currently, the best treatment option is swift therapy, but there are also other less expensive choices to choose from. If you have this skin condition, book an appointment with your medical specialist before it gets serious.