Suffer from Back Pain? 5 Tips To Help You Get Better

There really is nothing worse than having back pain or back issues as an adult. It can really restrict your everyday life, but there are things you can do straight away to help. Let’s take a look at some daily exercise and remedies that may help you with your back pain.

Stretching Exercises

Doing daily simple stretching exercises can really help with both flexibility and building the muscle groups in your back.

Try to do your back stretches twice a day, once in the morning and once before you go to bed holding each stretch for at least 30 seconds each time.

Various stretches to try and alleviate your back pain include the trunk rotation stretch, the child pose stretch and the cat-cow stretch.

You should ask your doctor or physio to show you the best stretches that are suited for the type of back pain you suffer from, or you could also look on youtube for some examples of the different stretches that may work for your injury.

Rest, Rest, and… More Rest

Although as mentioned above stretching exercises will help with your back pain, making sure you rest your core muscle groups in your back is also extremely important.

When you are sitting or lying down to sleep, try and find a comfortable position for your back. Avoid putting too much pressure on the parts of your back you have injured.

If, however, you have a serious back or spinal problem make sure you seek professional help from a firm like Spin CTSI.

Though resting is key to helping your back recover from any injury, you need to be careful that you don’t keep in the same position for too long. This could cause other issues including you back to become extremely stiff. So make sure even when you are resting that you still try and move around every now and again.

Ice Pack

The best time to use ice or a cold pack on your back is as soon as possible after you have sustained the injury. By doing this as soon as you have hurt your back can help with keeping the swelling down by constricting the blood vessels.

Only use the ice pack in short spells — no more than five to ten minutes at a time — and make sure it is not directly touching the skin. This could cause other problems.

Heat Therapy

Using a heat pack can be very beneficial in overcoming your back injury, as heat boosts circulation which in turn helps repair the damaged muscles. It can also help with the stiffness you may feel from the injury.

A good idea is to use some sort of heat pack or water bottle before going to bed, as this can help with the pain so you should find it easier to fall asleep.

Using a self heating gel can also work just as well as a heat pack or water bottle, especially as you can apply it before leaving the house and it should carry on working for a few hours.

Massage and Physio

Seeing a professional masseuse can also help with the back injury you are suffering from. They should be able to diagnose the root of your back problem and recommend an exercise regime to help you.

They may also be able to diagnose if your body posture is having an effect on the pain, as a lot of the time the way we hold our body can put so much strain on our backs if it is not the correct way to be standing.

Having a massage on your back can really help increase the blood flow which can quicken the healing process.


Some back injuries may require you to take some form of medication to not only help heal the muscles but also to take the edge off the pain it may be causing you.

Make sure you seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist on the best cause of action on what medication to take.


If the back injury you have sustained is very serious and doesn’t seem to heal by itself then surgery to fix the problem may be your answer. This should be a last resort as with all surgeries complications can arise.

It is always best to seek medical advice if you are having long term problems with any sort of back pain.