Picture of a dental implant being installed

Dental Implants vs. Dentures: Which is Best For You?

If you would like to make a difference to your smile you can opt to have some dental implants fitted. Alternatively, you might want to choose dentures instead. If the fact that you are missing teeth is affecting your health, you will need to opt for either implants or dentures.
When your gums are exposed, bacteria and food can get stuck. If they are not removed infections can occur. An infection can lead to gum disease which can cause you to lose even more teeth.

So which will you opt for? Dental implants or dentures? Let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of both options:

Dental Implants

A more popular alternative than dentures, dental implants are permanent. In addition to this, you won’t need to worry about them falling out while you’re talking. Implants look more natural and they can be much more comfortable.
In ancient times, people used to replace their missing teeth with dentures that were made from human bones, hippopotamus ivory, and some metal fasteners?
Did you know that having dental implants fitted can save you money? This is because you are less likely to need fewer visits to your dentist. While implants might cost more than dentures, to begin with, you’ll save money in the long-run.
Please make sure that you speak to your dentist about your wish to have dental implants. They can ensure you’re much more likely to understand how your new implants can affect you.


Dentures can be removed from your mouth easily. They are available as a partial or a full set. If you are missing quite a few teeth, dentures could be better for you. However, this is usually down to personal preference.
Did you that in 700 BC, people in Northern Italy would use animal or human teeth to replace their missing teeth? The good news is that dentures look much more natural these days.
Please note, dentures are not ideal for everyone. This is because they can fall out from time to time. Dentures do need to be secured in place using denture adhesive. If you do not use enough of this adhesive, your dentures can slip. Don’t forget that you will need to clean your dentures every day. This is not always a viable option for those who have mobility issues.

Which Option is Right for You?

Now you know a little more about dentures and dental implants you’ll have a better idea about which option is right for you. Have a think about what you want from your new implants, for example, and how many teeth you have missing. Also, think about whether you’re likely to take good care of them.
Please speak with your dentist about your wish to improve the health of your mouth by adding implants, for example. They will give you a lot of advice and help you understand which is the best option for you. After a little dental work, you could have a smile that you’re happy with.