Picture of a dentist's chair

Scared of the Dentist? Sedation Dentistry to the Rescue

One of the most common phobias is a fear of going to the dentist. Fear no more, as sedation dentistry could come to your rescue.

Sedation dentistry is the answer for anyone who has genuine fear about sitting in that dentist chair and undergoing a procedure.

What is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is often referred to as ‘twilight’ or ‘sleep’ dentistry, but it doesn’t actually put you to sleep. The dentist will administer drugs using an IV, which will put you into a state of complete relaxation. The sedation will stop any gag reflexes and you will not feel any pain.

This type of sedation acts of three levels – it is an anxiolytic, which relieves anxiety, it is a sedative that calms and induces sleep and it is amnesic, which means it promotes amnesia so you don’t remember the procedure.

Who can have sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is usually used for people with anxiety who would not normally visit the dentist due to their fear.

It can also be used for people with a low pain threshold, people who physically can’t sit still in the dentist’s chair, those who need a lot of dental work, people who have very sensitive teeth, and those who have a really sensitive gag reflex. It is also sometimes used with children if they are too scared to attend their dental appointments.

How long does the sedation last?

The downside of sedation of dentistry is that the effects can last for several hours, so it can mean you are out of action for a while and you will need someone to accompany you to the appointment and look after you after the appointment. Dentists usually advise that the effects of the sedation could last between two and eight hours after the procedure.

The other factor to bear in mind is that because it takes you into such a relaxed state, you may suffer some amnesia side effects after the procedure.

How will I feel?

When the IV is administered, you will feel drowsy and relaxed. Your breathing will slow down and your blood pressure may drop slightly and you will be in a deep state of relaxation. You may still be able to respond to people in the room though.

The dentist and the dental nurse will monitor your breathing and blood pressure throughout the procedure.

Negative emotions, stress, and anxiety should disappear as a result of using this procedure.

Can sedation dentistry be used for any procedure?

This type of sedation can be used for anything from cleaning teeth to complex dental surgery. Some people might need this level of sedation just to get them to sit in the dentist’s chair, even if it is just for regular checkups, clean and polish.

What are the side effects of sedation dentistry?

There are a few side effects that are reported, including drowsiness, feeling of heaviness or sluggishness, loss of memory and this can continue briefly after the procedure, slow reflexes, low blood pressure, a headache, or some nausea.

You may need to stay in the dentist’s theatre for an hour or so after the operation to ensure your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing all return to normal and for the effects to start to wear off.

Due to these side effects and the fact that they may last for most of the day, you must have someone drive you home and you must not try to cook or operate machinery.

What drug is used for the sedation?

Dentists usually use benzodiazepine drugs to sedate people in this manner. Triazolam is quite commonly used because it acts very quickly and does not last as long as other can.

How much does sedation dentistry cost?

It is not a cheap option, but for some people it is the only way to get them into the dentist’s chair. It depends on exactly which drug is used for the sedation and how long you need to be sedated for, so costs can range from $300 to $1,000.

Can you just be put to sleep for the dental procedure?

You can undergo a general anesthetic, but conscious sedation is more commonly used now. The effects are longer lasting than an injection or ‘laughing gas’, but they are less than being put under using a general anesthetic. It is also a lot more expensive to undergo a general anesthetic. Dentists are using sedation more and more as it is as effective as a general anesthetic but considered a safer alternative.

Is it safe?

This is now a widely used procedure in dental clinics across the world. It is important it is being administered by a qualified dentist. People who are obese or who suffer from sleep apnea must consult their doctor before undergoing such a procedure as they are more likely to suffer complications.

Can any dentist undertake sedation dentistry?

Most dentists can give you minimal sedation – the pills or the gas. But dentists must have a special qualification to administer any more complex techniques like deep sedation or general anesthetic. When you are doing your research, these dentists are usually oral and maxillofacial surgeons and dentist anesthesiologists.

How should I prepare for sedation dentistry?

Before you go ahead with such a procedure, don’t be shy to ask questions of your dentist and do your research. If you are naturally anxious about visiting the dentist, then going through this process will help you feel more at ease to proceed. Here are some points to consider:

  • Make sure you go through your medical history with the dentist so you can be sure you are the right candidate for the procedure, including information about any medications you are taking
  • Find out how much sedation is appropriate for someone of your age, size and health
  • Ask the dentist how many of these procedures they have carried out
  • Discuss the risks of the procedure in detail and make sure you get any questions answered
  • The dentist should have oxygen and artificial ventilation available in case it is needed
  • They should also have drugs available to reverse the sedation just in case it is needed in an emergency