Close-up picture of a healthy mouth

5 Bad Behaviors That Can Ruin Your Smile

We all strive to maintain a regular dental hygiene routine for a happy smile. We brush and floss our teeth at least twice a day. Plus, we pay a visit to the dentist every so often. But, did you know that simple habits like emotional eating and chewing on a pencil as you resolve a math question are bad for your smile? Here are some dental practices you need to stop to maintain a beautiful bright smile:

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Often, new mothers prefer feeding a baby until they fall asleep. Then, they let the baby sleep with the milk bottle still on the mouth. It is a sure way to keep the baby asleep for hours. Again, this habit is bad for the upcoming teeth. Indeed, it exposes the temporary teeth to decay. The bacteria in the mouth get several hours of exposure to milk, which helps bacteria grow. In turn, they produce acids that cause the child’s teeth to decay. Note that children’s oral health begins from birth. For starters, your child’s bedtime should be free of milk bottles. Instead, use some lullaby after a warm bath to relax the baby for extended hours of sleep. If your child is already using the bottle to sleep, then fill it with water instead of milk. Then, start weaning him off the bottle.

Piercing the Tongue

It may look trendy, but tongue piercing can cause more harm than good. Indeed, a fresh piercing is a fresh wound. Now, the mouth area is the worst place to have an open wound. For, it is moist and warm, the ideal condition for bacteria to thrive. When you develop an infection on your tongue, it can lead to severe complications. For example, you can catch an infection that can damage your nerves and make you lose your sense of taste. If you love tongue piercing, then practice high standards of oral aftercare. These include keeping the wound clean, rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash, and being on the lookout for any signs of infection.

Teeth Grinding

Do you grind your teeth when you sleep, or when at rest? It may seem like a simple thing. Yet, you can end up with a cracked tooth. Worse still, you wear down the enamels leading to sensitive teeth. Teeth grinding can be due to stress and anxiety. But if you grind teeth when asleep, you could be having an abnormal bite, cracked teeth, or lack a tooth. Ensure you take measures to cope with life pressures. Plus, see a dentist who will advise on how to fix worn-down teeth.

Using Teeth to Open Stuff

Do you often use your teeth to tear through a bag of chips or a bottle cap? Now, this habit seems to pass from generation to generation as a sign of healthy teeth. Yet, you risk chipping your teeth, getting fractures, or even losing your teeth. For example, do you open soda bottles using your teeth? Beware; sharp metal edge on the cap can cut through your gums. Plus, should the glass break, then, you could swallow some glass and cause life-threatening injury beyond the mouth.

Now, a damaged tooth due to this persistent habit may need you to do a root canal. Or, you may have to replace a broken crown. Always have the appropriate tools to use when you need to open stuff. Today, we have multi-tools that come in handy for all types of tasks. Expect what you’ll need, and then prepare in advance.

Other Poor Dental Habits

Persons who struggle with chewing on ice due have an iron deficiency. This habit can lead to cracked or chipped teeth. Second, avoid taking over the counter cough syrups without a proper prescription. For, such medicine contains lots of sugar. It takes longer to dissolve, exposing the teeth to decay. Third, snacking on sticky candies will only feed the bacteria in the mouth for longer. Fourth, sodas’ citric and phosphorus content erodes the tooth enamel, while its sugar content leads to tooth decay.


The easiest way to break a bad dental habit is by replacing it with good ones. Hence, consider drinking more water and less sugary drinks. Second, learn to brush your teeth gently using the right technique. For this, opt for an electric toothbrush. It rotates to all the sides of the teeth. This way, you know that you are cleaning all the areas around the teeth and gums.

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