Doctor checking a patient's sinuses

4 Tips for Anyone Dealing with Sinus Problems

Many of us are all too familiar with the pain sinus issues can be. Unfortunately, sinus problems and sinus-related symptoms are common. In fact, about 37 million Americans cope with sinus problems each year.

Sinus problems can lead to a variety of uncomfortable symptoms such as pain in the forehead or between the eyes, congestion, stuffy nose, toothache, fever, postnasal drip, coughing, or a feeling of fullness in the middle of the face. While some sinus problems go away on their own, others persist and require the attention of a sinus doctor.

How Normal Sinuses Function

Normal sinuses are responsible for producing a thin layer of clear mucus to trap bacteria, dust particles, and other irritants that we breathe in on a daily basis. You can think of sinuses as internal vacuums that protect your nose from harmful substances.

Sinuses can also improve the way you speak and lighten your skull. If you believe your sinuses are not performing their intended function and are causing uncomfortable symptoms, here are four tips that may help you out.

1.   Try Natural Remedies

There are some remedies that may improve your sinus problems and give you the relief you deserve. First and foremost, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, tea, or sugar-free juices throughout the day. These fluids have the potential to thin out your mucus and make your irritated sinuses feel better. Keep in mind that alcohol should be avoided as it can lead to dehydration and worsen your issues.

Another natural remedy you may want to try is steam. We suggest adding a few drops of pine or rosemary and a few drops of peppermint and eucalyptus oil to a bowl of steaming hot water. Place your face down over the bowl of water, drape a towel over the back of your neck, and inhale the steam. You may find that the steam clears your blocked nasal passages.

Turmeric is an Indian spice that is packed with anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants. By brewing it in hot tea, the mucus from your clogged nasal passages may loosen and allow you to feel better instantly. In addition, you may want to incorporate plenty of soup into your diet as studies have discovered that the steam and healthy ingredients in most soups can clear up sinuses.

2. Humidify Your Air

Make an effort to keep your home from becoming too humid or dry. Excessive humidity in your house can encourage mold growth, which may lead to sinus problems. Also, when the air you breathe in on a regular basis is too dry, the mucus in your nose and sinuses are unable to flow properly and your sinuses may not be able to drain as well as they should.

So, what can you do to solve this problem? Consider using humidifiers in your bedroom and other areas of your home, especially at the start of October through March or April as doing so can keep your sinus problems to a minimum. You can purchase a humidifier just about anywhere.

3. Stay Away From Household Irritants

Chances are high that your home is filled with household irritants that contribute to your sinus problems. Some of the most common examples of these irritants are cleaning products, hairspray, and cigarette smoke. Basically, anything that contains a strong odor and gives off fumes is not good for sinuses. Be mindful of these irritants and try to stay away from them as much as possible.

4. See a Sinus Doctor

If your sinus problems don’t go away, it’s time to seek medical attention from a sinus doctor. Dr. Samuel Becker, a sinus expert from New Jersey, recommends seeing a sinus doctor if you have a cold for more than 10 days or your symptoms worsen after the first 7 days.

You can schedule a consultation, which will begin with a thorough review of your medical history and allow our doctor to understand what your symptoms are as well as what treatments you’ve tried and whether or not they’ve been efficient.

The doctor will also perform a physical exam and conduct some tests to identify the cause of your sinus problems. Then, a customized treatment plan will be designed to help you move past the discomfort your sinuses have caused.

By continuing through life with sinus problems, you’ll live with unnecessary pain and discomfort. Untreated sinus issues can also lead to serious complications such as eye infections, brain abscess, and meningitis.

You may be surprised to find out that an allergy treatment, medication, or a simple in-office treatment like a balloon sinuplasty may completely get rid of your sinus problems and change your life for the better.

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