Man jogging along the road

Chronic Conditions and Exercising: 5 Tips for Staying Active and Safe

Living with a chronic condition is not easy, and even the simplest of tasks and activities can feel impossible for those who are less able. However, you should remember that engaging in the right kind of physical activity regularly can be one of the most important things you ever do for your health.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that your chronic condition is a reason why you should not exercise, as it is actually even more reason why you should. So, here are our five tips on how you can maintain physical activity while remaining safe.

Start Slowly

If you suffer from a chronic illness like heart disease and want to incorporate more activity into your daily schedule, then it is important that you start slowly and do not take on more than your body can handle. Exercise is not easy for most people, whether they have additional health problems or not. So, it is crucial that you start small with your exercise regime and slowly increase your physical activity when you feel able.

For example, you could start off by stretching your body out and going for a brisk walk around the block. This will give you a good idea of how physically active you can be without causing yourself pain or discomfort.

Too Much of the Wrong Exercise Can Make Your Pain Worse

Many people make the mistake of thinking that to stay active you should try to take part in as much exercise as possible to improve your fitness. But this could actually have the opposite effect long term. Even those who do not suffer from chronic conditions can find exercise tough and tiring, and if you force your body, then you may find yourself causing more damage.

Be sure to consult a medical professional before you engage in any type of physical activity and be fully aware of what kind of activity could cause a flare-up of your chronic condition.

Use Mobility Equipment

If you want to exercise but have a chronic condition, then it is important to remember that you do not have to do it alone. There are mobility aids and equipment out there that can support you. For example, you may consider investing in an electric folding wheelchair that you can travel with. This enables you to take part in exercise, but you are then able to rely on your chair to get you home safely. Do not expect too much from yourself and be prepared to feel sore after a workout. Here are some reviews of the top folding power wheelchairs that are currently on the market.

Choose Low Impact Aerobic Exercises

Exercising when you suffer from chronic conditions does not mean that you have to head down to your local gym and force yourself through an hour-long workout. We recommend that you start off by taking part in low-impact aerobic exercises to get your body used to physical activity. Once you have been doing this for a while, you may then feel able to take your exercise to the next level and introduce some higher impact exercises.

Let Someone Know

Taking part in physical exercise is important for your overall health and wellbeing. But so is staying safe. So, if you plan to exercise, then be sure to let a loved one know what you are doing so that they can check on you afterward. This way you will always stay safe while exercising.

From helping you control your weight to strengthening your muscles and bones, the benefits of exercising are endless. Remember that exercise, when done correctly, can be both safe and enjoyable!