Hand holding a thermometer in the foreground, sick patient in the background

Five Tips to Manage the Side Effects of Cancer Treatment

Being diagnosed with cancer can be a life-changing event. It comes with a multitude of turbulent emotions for everyone involved. It’s a word that every patient dreads to hear. Learning how to cope with the diagnosis and everything that follows can be terrifying. However, not every cancer is fatal; many patients make a full recovery if doctors detect the disease early. There are numerous treatments available, and each has a good chance of destroying cancerous cells.

However, these treatments are often so potent that they can damage the patient’s healthy cells too. This brings a host of side effects that can be challenging to deal with without the right resources. Having the correct information on hand can help you deal with cancer treatment’s physical and emotional repercussions and put you on the smoothest road to recovery. If you want to know how you can manage these unpleasant side effects, keep reading.

Seek legal aid to deal with emotional and financial stress

One of the most significant side effects of cancer treatment comes from the immense stress caused by monetary constraints. Cancer treatment is by no means cheap and can cost you thousands of dollars. Many families need to sell their valuable possessions to free up funds for continuous treatments. Even if you have medical insurance, paying for medicines can cut a massive chunk out of your budget.

In some cases, you may be entitled to monetary compensation from your employer. Some forms of cancer only develop due to continued contact with a toxic substance on their jobs. For example, mesothelioma is cancer you can only develop after prolonged exposure to asbestos. Veterans, mechanics, and construction workers may unknowingly breathe in asbestos fibers at work and develop this lethal cancer. With a mesothelioma lawyer, you can get a payout of at least $1 million that can help you cover treatment costs and give you the comfort you need. Monetary compensation can help to reduce emotional stress considerably and allow patients and their families to manage other side effects that surface during the treatment process.

Manage nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are some of the most common side effects of cancer treatment. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy collectively cause patients to experience nausea. The higher the dosage of drugs/radiation administered, the likelier you will experience nausea and vomiting. Furthermore, the location of cancer can also affect how nauseous you feel.

Experiencing constant nausea can be incredibly challenging to deal with and can induce a fear of eating. However, there are several ways you can manage this drawback. First, it can be helpful to split your meals into five or six smaller portions, as opposed to three larger ones. Secondly, avoiding strong-smelling foods can also help you prevent nausea. Adding natural, herbal tea to your routine is also an incredibly effective way to soothe your digestive system and avoid sickness. Ginger tea, in particular, is exceptionally beneficial for controlling nausea in patients undergoing chemotherapy. Chamomile and honey lemon tea can also help you stop vomiting.

Use hairpieces to hide hair loss

It’s common knowledge that most cancer treatments, especially chemotherapy, cause a lot of hair fall. Chemotherapy aggressively attacks cancerous cells, but it may also damage healthy cells, such as hair follicles. While undergoing chemotherapy, you may experience hair loss out not just from your scalp but all over the body. Hair fall generally begins a few weeks after the commencement of treatment and peaks at a few months. It can be an incredibly distressing period because patients can experience a significant drop in self-esteem, well-being and an increase in anxiety and depression.

If you are experiencing hair fall due to cancer treatments, getting a wig or putting in extensions can help you maintain your physical appearance as you wish. However, it would be best if you had your hairpiece ready before your hair loss begins. This way, you can closely match the color and texture of your original hair. Avoiding excessive styling and washing is another way to minimize hair fall and keep your hair in good texture. Consider accessorizing with hats and scarves if you’re not one for wigs.

Find ways to cope with chemo brain

Chemo brain is one of the psychological drawbacks of chemotherapy and is a side effect most people experience. Many patients experience mental fogginess before, during, or after chemotherapy. The extent to which each patient experiences it may vary. Patients commonly experience fogginess that impairs their ability to complete tasks, remember things, learn new skills, and have trouble concentrating. The effects of chemo brain can be profound, and people can struggle at work, school, or daily lives.

If you’re experiencing chemo brain, it’s advisable to reach out as soon as possible to control its severity. Cognitive rehabilitation is one way you can learn to combat chemo brain over time. It aims to strengthen various brain functions with time while teaching you to stay organized by using planners. However, you can independently work towards strengthening your mental acuity too. Exercise and meditation both push you to hone your concentration, and with time can help you achieve more outstanding mental sharpness. Getting enough sleep and avoiding alcohol can also help positively.

Manage lymphedema

Lymphedema is characteristic of cancer treatment and can cause immense discomfort if not dealt with properly. It refers to the buildup of lymphatic fluid in the connective tissue, which can cause swelling in different areas, but most commonly, in the arms and legs.

If the problem isn’t severe, you can deal with it through gentle massage, exercises, and wearing compression garments. Furthermore, you can keep a close eye on the symptoms of infection, such as a fever, rash, redness, tenderness, and pain. Keep any affected areas away from injuries, such as scratches, insect bites, or burns.

Exposure to too much heat or cold can also put you at an increased risk of lymphedema. Wear comfortable clothes, and avoid wearing restrictive, tight accessories like bracelets, watches, etc.


Cancer treatment is essential to controlling the spread of this malignant disease. Still, it comes with several side effects of its own. If not dealt with, these side effects can impact you financially, socially, psychologically, and physically. However, it can be easy to deal with these side effects if you have the correct information and resources on hand. Once you have them under control, your road to recovery can be much more comfortable. It’s essential to have some help and support from your loved ones in this trying period, as it can make the fight against this ailment much more manageable.