
Patient Keeps Improving After Stem Cell Treatment

Stem cells are somewhat of a hot topic in medicine, as it is still considered a new and experimental treatment. However, many people do not know that stem cells are not only legal but becoming a common treatment method for simple ailments like knee and other joint pain. They are not yet FDA approved for chronic and debilitating conditions, however, there are many studies that have proven the safety and efficacy of stem cell therapy for these serious conditions.

Stem Cell Treatment Now focuses its efforts on providing stem cells for patients that have chronic and debilitating conditions like cerebral palsy and spinal cord injury or diseases, many of which have no other option of treatment. One of these conditions is cerebral palsy, a condition diagnosed shortly after birth and lifelong. In conventional medicine, the only option is to practice certain physical therapies or take medication that can help make symptoms more manageable. However, with stem cell therapy, the goal is to send healing stem cells to the source of brain injury that causes these symptoms. Often times, by attacking the source of the problem, patients experience a reverse in symptoms and are able to develop further than they had previously thought possible.

One such patient is Enzo, a boy that was born with quadriplegic cerebral palsy and made his first trip to Thailand at just 3 years old. Naturally, his parents were nervous before the trip began. “The treatment isn’t available in the UK, so to begin with I was reluctant to travel for a treatment we didn’t know much about. But the more I read about it the more I knew we had to give it a go.” After arriving in Bangkok, exhausted and jet-lagged, the family was relieved to be picked up immediately and taken to their hotel. “The nurses brought Enzo’s meals to our room and checked his oxygen and heart rate on each occasion. We were reassured that if we needed anything at all, we could just ask.”

After the treatment, his parents were amazed to see the positive changes in their son. “In the 3 1/2 weeks that we were here he gained better control of his hands and arms, he learnt to swallow… He also had quite a severe “squint” in both eyes, which corrected almost instantly.” Coming from a world of complete dependence, even these small changes were an invaluable improvement in Enzo’s life. Perhaps most importantly, however, was that the changes Enzo experienced after treatment did not go away. As his mother says, “These effects have been lasting.”

This was just the first trip that Enzo and his family took for stem cell treatment. They recently returned for a second round of therapy and are eagerly waiting to see results. Typically, the results are not often seen while in treatment, and will manifest over the course of 12 months post treatment.



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