Man holding several hearing aids

5 Tips To Choose The Right Hearing Aid

There’s a lot more to getting a new hearing aid than simply choosing one that fits and putting it on. Your hearing aid will be on you every waking hour of your day, so you want to make sure you make the right choice. You don’t want to be stuck with hearing aids that don’t look right, or are uncomfortable, or do not help you hear as well as you need. There’s no hidden trick to finding the best hearing aid devices for you. It just means doing some examining of your lifestyle and thinking about what your needs truly are. Here are some tips to choose the right hearing aid for you. 

Examine Your Lifestyle

Since you will be wearing your hearing aids all day, every day, it has to be compatible with how you live your life. To choose the right one, you need to think about what you do daily. Some of the things to take into consideration are how much time you spend outdoors, how much television you watch, whether you like physical activity, and if you find yourself in crowded places regularly. These are all factors that can affect what kind of hearing aid you choose. Understanding your needs will make it easier to find the perfect fit for you. 

Think About Your Workplace

If you work a regular full-time job, then you will spend around a third of your life at work. That’s a lot of time. Not only that, but your hearing will have to be as good as possible while you are there so you don’t miss anything important. Do you work in a crowded restaurant or a busy office? If so, a hearing aid that can cut down on background noise may be what you need. There are also hearing aids that are better at picking up soft sounds or certain pitches. 

Figure Out Your Hearing “Must-Haves”

Outside of work, you may have some activities in which you participate where it is very important to you that you can hear properly. This could be anything, from attending the theater to participating in sports. Even though it is not a professional situation and you won’t lose your job, you’ll still want to be able to hear everything as well as possible to ensure the best quality of life. The hearing aid options that are available are seemingly endless. Some are better for the outdoors, some can withstand the wear and tear of physical activity, and some are perfect for isolating sound in a theater. 

Take Comfort Into Account

Mostly, we’ve talked about the performance of hearing aids. However, comfort should be a major factor when making your choice. Since you are going to be wearing them all the time, you do not want them to irritate you. You need a hearing aid that fastens easily and that you won’t even think about while you are wearing it. The weight might not be right, or the fit might not be right, either. You don’t want one that will slip out of your ear too easily, but you also don’t want one that is difficult to put on or take off. What’s comfortable for one person may not be comfortable for another, so you may have to test out certain types to find the right fit. 

Is Streaming Important?

It is truly amazing what kind of technology there is out there. A decade or more ago, hearing aid wearers did not have the option of plugging in earbuds to go on a run or to listen to music while cleaning the house. Now you can get hearing aids with Bluetooth connectivity so you can listen to your tunes at any time without having to deal with clunky headphones or even taking out your hearing aids. If you listen to a lot of music, then make sure to choose a hearing aid that streams audio from your phone. 


The good thing when choosing the right hearing aid is that you are not alone. While it’s up to you to think hard about these factors, a professional hearing aid specialist will find the right answers and solutions to suit your needs. One option we’d recommend checking out is Blue Angels Hearing as they offer high-quality hearing aids for an affordable price delivered directly to your home. Even if you think you have everything figured out, there may be some other factors that are not listed here. A professional can help you with things you may have never considered and that are specific to your lifestyle. Happy hunting for the right hearing aid for you. 


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