Himalayan salt lamp turned on in the dark

Do Himalayan Salt Lamps Really Work? (Benefits & Myths)

Himalayan salt lamps are crystals carved from colored rock salts (most often amber). Once carved, the manufacturer hollows out the crystal so that a light bulb can sit inside.

Himalayan salt lamps contain some salt, which is sourced from the popular Himalayan mountains. The Himalayas cover over 1,500 miles and spread across Nepal, Bhutan, India, and Pakistan.

Where Do Himalayan Salt Lamps Come From?

Truly authentic Himalayan salt lamps come from the Pakistani Khewra Salt Mine. Salt from this mine has a reddish, off-white, or pink color. You will most likely find several Himalayan salt lamps online, but most are non-authentic. The genuine versions are known for their fragility and the dim light they produce. Conversely, the counterfeit versions glow brighter and do not break easily.

Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps

Salt lamps primarily serve decorative purposes. However, many people believe that they offer even more. Users and proponents of salt lamps often claim that they help to purify the air, aid better sleep, improve allergies and moods, facilitate breathing in asthmatic patients, and more.

Some salt therapy research studies support that there may be health benefits of Himalayan salt crystal lamps. Let’s discuss each of these below.

Salt Lamp Benefits Infographic

Benefit #1: Cleaning the air

The air gets contaminated by the second, all thanks to pet dander and similar allergens present in the air-water molecules. Once exposed to the air, salt automatically withdraws the water molecules present. Hence, a salt lamp functions by removing the water vapor and other dangerous components present in the water molecules. They bond with the crystal until the vapor dries up from the light bulb heat. Even after drying, the unwanted particles remain on the salt. The surface area of a Himalayan salt crystal lamp depends on its size. Hence, a bigger lamp will not only have a larger surface area but also works more efficiently in holding more allergens. So, if you are looking to treat a larger area, you will need a larger lamp.

Benefit #2: Deodorizing the air

The salt lamp also gets rid of contaminants in the air, including cigarette smoke and other harmful odors.

Benefit #3: Improving allergies and asthma

The most important process here is air filtering. With a salt lamp around the area, the air is better filtered, and the lungs shielded from contaminants. Users commonly report that Himalayan salt lamps improved their allergies.

Benefit #4: Removing Positive Ions

The presence of positive ions has serious detrimental effects on us, including a rise in fatigue and depression levels. According to research, 75% of the population experiences various problems due to the positive ion ratios in the air we breathe. The biggest natural source of positive ions is the full moon, alongside artificial sources like air pollution and electrical devices.

Conversely, negative ions improve our mood and well-being, and salt lamps are excellent sources of negative ions. The body is more energized and revitalized with more negative ions around.

Benefit #5: Reducing Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation

Electromagnetic radiations are everywhere around us, courtesy of devices like TVs, computers, cell phones, and others. While no one can see EM radiation with their naked eyes, their adverse effects are pronounced, especially when we are overexposed to it. Fortunately, with a Himalayan salt lamp around the emitting device, the EM radiation is better neutralized. In addition to this, the static electricity in the air removes significantly.

Benefit #6: Improving Quality of Sleep

Woman sleeping in a cozy room

Both adults and children can enjoy better sleep with salt lamps around them. The presence of positively-charged particles causes sleep disturbances and irregular sleep patterns. These particles reduce the oxygen and blood supply to the brain. However, the negative ions produced by the salt lamp improves the air quality around. Here is yet another reason to get one for your bedroom.

Benefit #7: Light Therapy

Although relatively new, light therapy has found diverse applications in treating Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is more rampant during the winter months, especially for people living in northern climates. So, how does the Himalayan salt lamp help? The natural glow of a salt lamp is almost like that of the warm glow of the sun and functions similarly by improving SAD symptoms. You will be amazed at how your sun lamp can turn around your early morning moods on those lonely, cold winter days.

Benefit #8: Color Therapy

We have seen claims and reports of color therapy success with Himalayan salt lamps. While these are mostly unscientific, these lamps have reportedly boosted energy levels, improved mood and mental state, and reduce anxiety through color therapy.  There are about 84 various minerals in salt lamps, each with a distinct color and pattern. Some of these include;

  • Pink color, which is a stimulator for emotions and love;
  • White color, which contributes significantly to body cleansing, healing, and detoxification;
  • Red color, which is responsible for improved blood circulation and heart health; and
  • Orange color, which helps the nervous system to activate the bladder and kidneys

Does Science Support These Claims?

The bulk of scientific evidence on Himalayan salt lamps come from the negative ions angle. However, there is no direct report that validates these health improvement claims.

Air purification, breathing, and asthma

Lit match giving off smoke

Despite serious scientific research on the effect of negative ions on breathing, there have been no clear reports indicating improvement in breathing or asthma symptoms.  Likewise, the ions did not reduce the need for inhaler in children and adults who have severe asthma.

In the same vein, research has confirmed that negative ions cannot clean the harmful particles present in the air. The gathering of these ions on pollen or bacteria helps to neutralize the pollutants. While it is possible to kill germs with a combination of negative and positive ions, there is no clear scientific pathway on this. Experts, however, have hinted a different reason for this germ-killing capability.

Mood and Sleeping

It is a popular conception that positive ions can raise anxiety, irritability, and restlessness levels in the air. The same notion returned that negative ions can improve depression, stress, anxiety, and general well-being.  However, scientific studies involving rats and mice indicates a probable destabilization of serotonin levels by very high concentrations of negative air ions. Serotonin is a crucial chemical to feelings of well-being.

Studies involving humans also recorded a slight drop in depression levels when high concentrations of negative ions are introduced. But the anxiety or sleep quality levels remain relatively unchanged.

Another study reported a slight improvement in the thinking skills of test subjects when they were made to undergo a test in a room whose painted walls had very high amounts of total air ions. However, the paint did not affect the overall well-being of the subjects.

Parting Words

As surprising as these claims may appear, science has continued to hit a brick wall in its attempt to show that Himalayan salt lamps are sources of negative ions or potent health boosters. Interestingly, the negative ions used in most of these researches are from sources other than the lamps.

There is no doubt about the decorative and aesthetic value of the Himalayan salt lamps. However, science is yet to confirm its ability to improve our health significantly.

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