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7 Proven Probiotics Benefits for Women’s Health

Probiotics are the live microorganisms populating your gut, the good bugs looking after your health. Unfortunately, our modern lifestyle has become a threat to them. Our diet is poor in probiotics and rich in substances that kill them, so supplementation has become a necessity. Why should you bother to take probiotic supplements? 

Probiotics have valuable health benefits, especially for women’s health. They have already been proven by science, and they are determining more and more doctors to recommend probiotics to their patients. We will review the most important of them in the following lines. 

The 7 Most Valuable, Science-Based Benefits of Probiotics for Women’s Health

1. Restore Gut Flora, Preventing Diarrhea and Regulating Bowel Movements

While antibiotics are the most effective treatment against bacterial infections, they also have side effects. Perhaps the most important one is that they deplete the good gut bacteria and induce diarrhea. 

Research has shown that taking probiotic supplements during antibiotic treatment can prevent diarrhea and protect and replenish gut flora. Probiotics have proven effective at preventing traveler’s diarrhea and chronic constipation as well. 

The theory is simple: both diarrhea and constipation occur due to gut flora imbalance. By restoring the balance between good and bad bacteria, probiotics treat both conditions and regulate bowel movements. 

2. Prevent Urinary Tract Infections

Between 40% and 60% of women develop urinary tract infections repeatedly. Not only are probiotics able to prevent infections or at least reduce their frequency but they also alleviate some of the symptoms. 

3. Boost Immunity

People with weak immune systems get sick quite often. It has been already proven that gut bacteria are essential for immune health. Probiotic supplements can help boost immunity by replenishing gut flora, maintaining the balance between good and bad bacteria, and educating the immune system to recognize and annihilate threats. 

Thus, taking probiotics could help you prevent getting sick or at least make sickness easier to bear. This also means fewer treatments and, implicitly, fewer or no side effects, at is common knowledge that most treatments have side-effects, ranging from gastro-intestinal discomfort to nausea, vomiting, headaches, and more. 

4. Improve Fertility, Support Pregnancy, and Lower Pre-Term Birth Risks

More and more women these days have trouble getting pregnant. When they finally do, it is not without risks. Research suggests that vaginal microbiome plays an important role in fertility, pregnancy, and pre-term delivery. Probiotic supplementation could improve fertility, support pregnancy, and reduce risks of pre-term delivery. 

On one hand, probiotics have already been proven effective at treating diseases that affect women’s fertility, like polycystic ovaries syndrome. On the other hand, women consuming probiotic-rich foods during their pregnancy have been found to have lower risks of pre-term delivery compared with women with a diet poor in probiotics. 

5. Prevent and Treat Vaginal Infections

A healthy vagina is colonized by a variety of microbes, out of which lactobacilli are more common. Under the influence of various factors, like improper hygiene, treatment with antibiotics, infection with various pathogens, etc., the composition of the vaginal microbiome changes dramatically. The bad bacteria and yeasts thrive, overwhelming the good bacteria. 

Research has shown that supplementation with certain probiotic strains can help improve vaginal flora and ward off both vaginal yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. A healthy vaginal flora is also key to preventing further infections, and probiotics can help maintain it. 

6. Improve Skin Health and Appearance

The American Academy of Dermatology recently confirms that, taken orally or applied topically, probiotics can help treat skin issues like acne, eczema, or rosacea. With time, the skin gains a uniform texture and a healthy glow. These incredible results are due to the protective, antimicrobial, and calming effect of probiotics. 

Besides treating skin problems like the ones mentioned above, probiotics seem to also support healing and repair the tissue. Referred to as pro-healers, these good bugs populating our gut promise to work miracles in cutaneous infections and wound healing disorders. 

7. Improve Digestion and Gastrointestinal Health

The good bacteria in our lower intestinal tract are also involved in the food digestion process and could play an important role in treating gastrointestinal disorders. After years of research in the field, scientists around the world agreed that probiotics can help treat disorders like the irritable bowel syndrome. 

Studies also suggest effectiveness at treating Chron’s disease, colitis, and liver conditions. They reduce symptoms like gas, constipation, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and more. Most probiotic users report improvements in their overall health and well being and increased energy levels. 

The Best Probiotics for Women’s Health

Now you know some of the beneficial effects of probiotics on women’s health. However, it is important to keep in mind that “probiotics” is a general term. There are numerous probiotic strains out there, each with their own benefits. Some of the most valuable and well-researched are: 

  • Lactobacillus Acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus Rhamnosus
  • Bifidobacterium Bifidum
  • Bacillus Coagulans
  • Saccharomyces Boulardii, etc.

Moreover, not all probiotic supplements are alike. Some contain only probiotics, while others contain prebiotics (plant extracts and fibers meant to feed the probiotics, prolong their life, and boost their strength) and other beneficial natural ingredients as well.  

If you want to enjoy all the above benefits, you need a supplement that includes all the most beneficial strains, in adequate dosage, and along with prebiotics and natural extracts. It should be formulated by specialists, specifically for women. 

It should also be easy to take and carry around. Since you are always busy and on the run, remembering to take several pills a day can be difficult. You need something that does not require refrigeration and does not depend on your meals. 

Finally, you need something strong enough to provide results but not strong enough to induce side-effects. Indeed, some probiotics have strong side effects that range from gastrointestinal discomfort to cramps and even diarrhea. 

Luckily, there are quite a few safe and beneficial products on the market, tested both in terms of composition and effectiveness. You can buy many of them at QueenV. Look them up, compare them, consult your physician, and choose the best probiotic supplement for you. You will surely feel and look better by the day!

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