Picture of CBD Skin Care Products

3 CBD Skin Care Benefits You Didn’t Know About

In today’s market, you can find almost everyone shouting the health benefits of CBD. You can buy it in capsules or drink its oil. You can shampoo your hair with it, throw a CBD bath bomb in your bath water, or buy it inside a lip gloss. CBD continues to grow in popularity, making it nearly impossible to go anywhere without seeing it on the local shelves or advertised in your favorite magazine. Read on for more information about CBD and its unique skin benefits. 

What is CBD?

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a kind of compound found in hemp. Unlike its cousin compound THC, CBD does not make users feel high when they consume it. Many people claim that it helps alleviate pain, including pain associated with back pain and osteoarthritis. Some people even consume CBD to help control anxiety, insomnia, and symptoms relating to ADHD. CBD isn’t just used for pain. Today, it’s used for a variety of reasons, including skincare. That’s because you can absorb CBD through your skin, providing several benefits. Try CBD Flower USA to look at a variety of CBD-infused products. After visiting the site, check out three benefits of using CBD in your skincare regimen.

Benefit 1: The Best CBD Skin Products are Anti-Inflammatory

Dry skin, eczema, acne, and psoriasis can make even the most self-confident person long to throw on a long-sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and a ski mask during the height of summer. No one wants to sport flaky skin, revealed for the entire world to see. While many people search for traditional lotions and creams to soothe their red or scaly skin, others reach for skincare products made from CBD. Topical CBD oils are anti-inflammatory and analgesic. In other words, they reduce inflammation and pain. They’re great at blocking oil production, so they just might be the answer for anyone who wants to cultivate smooth, healthy skin. 

Benefit 2: CBD Skin Care Products Can Improve Your Skin’s Elasticity

Woman with healthy skin

Skin elasticity means that your skin has the ability to stretch before snapping back to its original shape. If your skin doesn’t have elasticity, it appears wrinkled, saggy, and leathery. As we age, our skin loses its ability to snap back. For example, parts of our body regularly exposed to the sun’s harmful rays may lose their ability to snap back after being stretched. Poor nutrition, smoking, and air pollution can also lead to a loss of skin elasticity. If you find that your skin doesn’t look as fresh as it did when you were a spring chicken, you may wish to purchase a skin product made with CBD. Researchers have discovered that CBD may help improve your skin’s elasticity. 

Benefit 3: CBD Skin Care Companies Make Antioxidant Products that Hydrate Your Skin

Frigid temperatures and areas with high elevation can do a serious number on your skin. CBD skincare products may offer the solution to the skin that needs moisture because of the harsh elements. Some skincare companies that sell CBD-infused products say that you can throw your most beloved moisturizers in the trash can and replace them with their CBD products. In fact, people who used CBD-infused skin products find that these moisturizing qualities help relieve both redness and itchiness. In other words, they reduce the signs of aging. They achieve this because CBD oil contains two fatty acids called Omega 3 and Omega 6. Both fatty acids help the body produce collagen, an important protein that keeps your skin fresh and hydrated.

Choose Quality CBD Skin Products

Now that you’re aware of the unique benefits CBD provides to the skin, you need to understand how to choose quality CBD skincare products. After all, not all CBD products are created equal. The FDA doesn’t strictly monitor the manufacturing and labeling of CBD products either. Smart consumers will examine the labeling, checking to see how much CBD is in the product. You can do this by searching for “total CBD” or “total cannabinoids” on the certificate of analysis (COA). The COA is proof that an independent third party lab tested the product. Ideally, purchase from a company that has been around for three or more years. Companies that have existed for this amount of time can easily show the labs they use are good manufacturing practice (GMP.) Older companies can also provide proof that they are certified organic and regularly inspected by the FDA. 

CBD Isn’t Just for Aches and Pains

CBD isn’t just for aches and pains anymore. The market is overflowing with tons of CBD-infused products that promise to help you achieve healthier skin. If you’re ready to throw away your regular oils and creams, try a CBD skincare product. Who knows? You may just find the answer to your skincare problems, whether you want to combat dry skin, a skin disorder, acne, or anything in between.

Have you ever used a CBD skincare product? Did it improve your skin? Let us know your thoughts by sharing a comment below. 

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