How Collagen Loss Ages Your Skin

One of the most abundant proteins in your body is collagen, about one-third of your body’s protein structures. In addition to being is the most abundant protein in the body, collagen is the critical protein in the cellular make up of the body’s connective tissue. Collagen is found in fibrous tissues, including the skin, ligaments, and tendons. It is vital for your skin and is also important for other parts of your body.

Collagen is produced naturally in the body by the breakdown of dietary protein into amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins in the body, including collagen. As you age, the body’s ability to breakdown dietary protein and produce collagen decreases. Other factors that contribute to the decrease of collagen are excessive sun exposure and smoking.

As you age and lose collagen, your skin also loses elasticity and becomes dull. There is a reduction in your epidermis’ thickness, which increases the formation of wrinkles and sagging. Loss of collagen also makes the skin vulnerable and easily damaged. In this blog, we will discuss whether it’s possible to rebuild collagen through supplements, creams, injections, and diet.

Collagen for the Skin

The protein, collagen, keeps your skin from sagging and gives you that youthful and plump look. As you age, collagen production decreases. Collagen starts to decline by 1% every year after the age of 25. It is also possible for women to lose about 30% of their collagen production up to five years after the onset of menopause. Don’t be upset. There are several scientifically proven ways to promote collagen regrowth.

  • Collagen creams like retinol can tretinoin can promote collagen production. Antioxidants such as vitamin C in skin creams can also reverse the inflammation that damages your skin’s collagen. Dermatologists suggest that there is a high benefit from vitamin C in retinol skincare products.
  • Protecting your skin from ultraviolet light is important.
  • Eating foods high in antioxidants prevent collagen breakdowns.
  • Aesthetic dermal fillers and treatments are also available.

Collagen Supplements

Collagen provides your skin with structure and strengthens your bones. Collagen supplements have become popular in the last few years, and most supplements are hydrolyzed to help you absorb collagen from these supplements.

Your body produces less collagen as you age, and this leads to dry skin and wrinkles. Supplements or peptides containing collagen help slow the aging of your skin by reducing dryness and wrinkles. Studies have shown that women who took 2.5-5 grams of collagen for eight weeks found they had less skin dryness and increased skin elasticity.

Before you take a supplement, consider collagen supplement types, and look for a hydrolyzed bovine collagen supplements that contain amino acid profiles containing collagen types I and III.

Some dermatologists say that taking a collagen supplement in the form of powders in a liquid is best. Beware of filler ingredients that include artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners. Use high-quality products with at least 90% protein.


Eating a well-balanced diet of protein-rich foods builds collagen, and eating fresh produce provides antioxidants that protect collagen from oxidative stress. Unhealthy lifestyle choices like poor diet, high sun exposure, alcohol consumption, and smoking decrease collagen production. Visible aging and loss of collagen show up earlier when you make poor lifestyle choices.

Increase collagen production by eating the foods with natural vitamins and minerals needed for the body to go through collagen synthesis. There are also vitamins, minerals, and amino acids in foods that help you keep the collagen you already have.

Eat fruits like kiwi, berries, and almonds. Have a healthy dose of dark green vegetables, avocados, and carrots. Garlic is great for collagen production, and oysters are a rich source of zinc that stimulates collagen. Pumpkin seeds are good for collagen production, and tomatoes give your body a boost in collagen production.

Collagen is present in all animals, and the best animal foods that contain a high reserve of collagen are in the tendons, ligaments, cartilage, skin, and bones of animals. Slow cooking animal parts into the bone broth is a good way to get a rich collagen source.

Collagen Creams

Science says claims collagen creams are a good way to restore the collagen in your skin. However, because of collage’s chemical makeup, you need to use a cream that contains collagen amino acids that are small enough to penetrate your skin. These types of creams are available, but they are pricy. If you cannot use a cream with penetration ability, the cream will sit on top of your skin and add hydration, which is also needed for younger-looking skin.

Use creams that have retinol, tretinoin, and vitamin C to stimulate collagen production. Studies are trying to determine if the direct use of collagen orally or topically helps. The consensus agrees that topical and ingestible collagen can’t hurt.

Dermal Fillers

In today’s aesthetic cosmetic world, dermal fillers or hyaluronic acid injections help build up the collagen resources in your skin. Research shows that hyaluronic acid injects do stimulate collagen production, which leads to fresher-looking skin in the long run.

However, there are downsides to dermal fillers. One is the cost, which can run into thousands of dollars. Two is the pain caused by dermal fillers’ actual use since these cosmetics are injected with fine needles into the skin. There are possible side effects and the need for injections every few months if this is route you choose to go to replace collagen.

Aging does cause collagen reduction, which leads to fine lines and wrinkles plus dry and dull skin. There are ways you can promote collagen production to bring back your youthful skin, but each way does take time.

You can take collagen-based supplements or treat yourself to creams and topical products that help increase collagen. It is possible to encourage collagen production by undergoing dermal fillers by injection. Wearing sunscreen when out in the sun, stop smoking, and massage your face daily are also great ways to increase collagen production. However, one of the best ways to help bring back collagen production is to eat a healthy diet that includes all the foods that contain natural collagen-building enzymes.