5 Quick Tips for Healthy, Shimmering Skin

Glowing skin is healthy skin. It forms an effective barrier against harmful bacteria and viruses. Plus, it sets the body temperature, keeping it constant despite the changes all around. Need we say, the skin shields you from the dangerous ultraviolet sun rays?

Still, we live in the age of social media and selfies, where there is lots of pressure to keep our skin flawless. Are you struggling to maintain a gorgeous looking skin? You could be using the quick fixes, forgetting that youthful skin is skin deep.  It takes lots of self-care to achieve it. Then, let’s share some of the tips for healthy and shining skin.

Maintain a Regular Skin Exfoliation Routine

We apply many products to our skin that can clog the skin pores over time. Hence, it is crucial to maintain a proper cleansing routine every week.  Again, our skin renews itself by producing new skin cells on a regular basis. Without an exfoliation routine, you’ll have a build-up of dead cells that can make your skin look dull and old. You can opt for a manicure, pedicure, and facial or full body scrub twice a month. It will open up the pores and help your skin to breathe again. Still, opt for mild cleansers that don’t strip your skin of its natural oils.

Quit Smoking

Cigarettes have carbon monoxide that enters the body and replaces the free-flowing oxygen. Then the choking cells develop inflammation. Plus, the nicotine content speeds up the skin aging process. Furthermore, smokers risk getting skin cancer, sagging, delays in wound healing, and acne. Resist smoking cravings by seeking help from a medical practitioner.

Seek Professional Help

Do you struggle with skin problems that need medical attention? Ensure you seek the help of a reliable dermatologist. For, we now have practitioners like the dermatologist Toronto who can handle all kinds of skin ailments. They will help you deal with loose skin, dry skin, uneven skin, and removal of scars, among other treatments. Never opt for shortcuts as such remedies can cause permanent damage to your skin.

Wear Sunscreen When Going Outdoors

Did you know, unlike popular belief, darker skin needs more sun protection than lighter skin? Hence, we all need to apply sunscreen when spending time in the outdoors. Now, as per the Skin Cancer Foundation, our bodies need at least 30 SPF of sunscreen applied 15 minutes before going out in the sun.  Such quantities will effectively protect you from sun damage. Be careful to read the labels when picking a sunscreen product. For, some of the ingredients may be too strong for sensitive skin. Then, apply sunscreen products containing retinol at night.

Drink Plenty of Water

Do you struggle with pimples, blackheads or foul-smelling sweat? Confirm that you get the recommended daily water intake to fight any toxic build-up in the body. Now, water plays a vital role in our bodies. More so, when it comes to getting rid of this toxin build-up. Doctors recommend 10 to 12 glasses of water a day to flush out toxins from our bodies. Plus, it will keep our body cells hydrated, hence, looking soft and supple.

Parting Words

Those were our 5 quick tips for healthy skin. We hope these tips help you maintain that healthy shimmer!

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