Woman with nice skin sitting on a sunny beach with sunglasses on

5 Skin Care Tips to Maintain a Youthful and Healthy Face

Youthfulness is a concept that every woman would absolutely die to achieve. As time passes by, many women find it hard to keep their face looking young and healthy. Many factors come into play to cause such troubles for any woman. In this article, we’ll talk about a handful of factors, including stress, lack of skincare, using chemical-laden products, poor makeup removal processes, and more.

With solar radiation everpresent, pollution increasing, and chemicals in skincare products ever more common, there are plenty of reasons to worry about the negative impacts on your skin. Many people will also ask, how can I fight off these mounting pressures and maintain a young-looking face?

Below, we’ll discuss 5 keys to maintaining your skin’s beauty, glow, and longevity.

Tip #1: Cut Down on the Use of Makeup

As much as every lady loves her makeup, there is a downside to consistently applying makeup on your face. Undoubtedly, the majority of makeup brands that most women tend to go for nowadays are formulated with chemicals and artificial components.

As these products sit in contact with your face every day for many hours, they are free to harm and worsen the state of your skin. In particular, certain types of alcohol used in cosmetics will dry out your skin.

Waxes found in lipsticks could chap your lips quicker by sapping the moisture out of them. Not to mention, the risk of cancer from the parabens used in almost every cosmetic product out there.

The bottom line? Makeup products are packed with all sorts of unhealthy and harmful ingredients. If you are a makeup lover, then do the effort to research the long term effects. Find out more about safer makeup brands that utilize vegan, cruelty-free ingredients.

What to Do:

  • Go for more natural looks, let your personal beauty shine through
  • Properly remove your makeup with gel cleansers and moisturizing oils
  • Don’t let makeup sit on your face for too long
  • Stop caking your face in products. Light concealer and a tinted moisturizer could go a long way as compared to a full face of foundation.
  • Focus on your skin more and refine its beauty! Natural beauty is way more striking than a full face of makeup.

Tip #2: Choose Skincare Products Without Harmful Chemicals

We all know of the classic skincare products that come in the stores every other day. From Dove to Nivea and so many other brands that consistently release skincare items that we tend to purchase all the time.

Here’s what you should do. STOP! Stop using those chemical-packed skincare items. No offense meant to the companies and the brands. However, you will notice that when you switch from these chemical moisturizers and exfoliants to other natural alternatives, your skin will glow!

What to Do:

  • Start using more natural skincare solutions. Buy more virgin oils (jojoba, argan, coconut, olive) and butter like Shea Butter to replace the chemical products on your dresser.
  • Stop using chemical peels and scrubs that are all incorporated together with awfully harmful ingredients. Instead, use DIY homemade scrubs from green tea leaves, oatmeal and brown sugar (don’t use castor sugar, it’s too harsh).

Tip #3: Start a Facial Routine

Every once in a while, your skin needs some rejuvenating. After all, it has to handle much more than you can imagine. There is dust, pollution, AC air and other factors that it has to deal with on a daily basis.

All these factors contribute to your skin’s dull appearance and clogged pores. So remember to pamper it every once in a while. Facials are highly recommended by dermatologists but NOT the ones that every other salon in the market is offering.

If you want your facial done in a healthy way, you will have to pay way more than expected. However, that is not a big deal for some people, as facials only occur once a month or so.

But still, facials are a lavish expenditure that many can’t afford. For those people, DIY home facials are recommended. Yes! Do your own facial at home with the help of affordable instruments and your kitchen’s components to make the finest and healthiest face masks for yourself.

What to Do:

  • Purchase facial items like this DermaScrubber. The make a huge difference in your skincare routine. The Derma Scrubber, for instance, passes ultrasonic vibrations into your skin and hence dislodges any impurities and dirt in your skin pores.
  • Start making your own face masks. Ingredients like yogurt, turmeric, cucumbers, lemon juice, honey, egg, avocados, cocoa powder…etc are very healthy and beneficial for your skin. Find out more about DIY face masks and remember to do a patch test prior to applying it on your face.
  • Utilize clay masks as well as they are self-exfoliating and perfect for all skin types. Remember to do a patch test first ALWAYS.

Tip #4: Start Exfoliating More Often

People underestimate the power of exfoliation! Exfoliating your skin is a big deal in the skincare industry, as it plays a big role in giving you that glowy look that you yearn for. However, it is worth mentioning not to overdo it!

Exfoliating is a practice of removing the top layer of dead skin cells that resides on everybody’s skin. When practiced too much, exfoliating can damage your skin for life. This happens because it can strip your skin of its protective layer and consistently expose it to a harsh and unwelcoming external environment.

Your skin needs exfoliation depending on your personal routine and the environment around you. Most people like to exfoliate 2-3 times a week but it also depends on how sensitive your skin is. For people with more sensitive skin once a week is quite enough.

Remember to use safe and gentle exfoliants that are mixed with moisturizing agents.

What to Do:

  • DIY your own scrubs at home. Use ingredients like powdered dry green tea leaves, black tea, coffee grounds, oatmeal, brown sugar…etc.
  • Always remember that the exfoliating agent in your scrubs should always be refined to the finest powder. This reduces the possibility of skin tears.
  • Learn more about your skin type (oily, dry, combination skin, etc) to select the right scrub ingredients.

Tip #5: Use Natural Sunblock

The sun’s rays are damaging to human skin. With the environment and atmosphere around us declining rapidly, the sun does more harm to your skin than ever before.

That is why many people opt to wear sunblock 24/7. And that’s a mistake. As much as sunblock must be helpful for you, it is also packed with chemicals of all sorts that seep right into your bloodstream through your skin pores.

There have been studies conducted on the subject of harmful sunblock ingredients that seep through your pores into your bloodstream. However, all of them were deemed as harmless. As much as that may be true, no one discusses how these said chemicals can impact your skin’s color and youth.

Yes, sunblock fights to keep your skin’s natural color intact but in doing so the chemicals in it may discolor or burn your skin. Moreover, the prolonged use of sunblock chemicals could lead to your skin aging quicker.

What to Do:

  • Use natural sunblock like Aloe Vera gel and Shea butter. They nourish and protect your skin at the same time.
  • Go for traditional methods like covering your exposed skin more often, stepping out in daylight around the morning and evening. Avoid midday hours as they are the harshest in sunlight.
  • Carry an umbrella around you wherever you go. Wearing a hat is also important to protect your skin.

Parting Words

Skin care is a confusing topic with many opinions and misconceptions. That being said, there are a few truths that everyone can agree with. It’s almost always best to choose natural ingredients over artificial chemicals. And always remember to protect yourself from the sun by wearing a hat or applying sunblock in moderation. If you have a serious skin condition, make sure to speak with your doctor before beginning any new skin care regimen.

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