Scar on a man's shoulder

What You Should Know About Scar Removal

Like a fine cloth protecting valuable assets, the skin is a seamless organ and just a tear can make a big difference in its appearance no matter how small the tear is. Scars can be caused by any burn, injury, or surgery. A scar may not seem like a big deal if it is on such a place in the body that can easily be concealed or is small.

However, in an opposite scenario, there are many who wonder how to hide it or if going through a scar removal will be a good idea. But to tell you the truth, a scar never completely goes away. Do not be disappointed! There are many methods that can help reduce its size and change its appearance. Before going on to it, mentioned below are various things you should know about scars and their removal.


Keloid Scars

These scars are a result of an overly aggressive healing process and extend beyond the original injury. It may also put some restrictions on movements. Treatments include scar removal surgeries, silicone sheets to flatten the scar, and steroid injections. However, small keloids can be treated using freezing therapy with liquid nitrogen. These scars are the most common among people with dark skin.

Contracture Scars

You may have a contracture scar if you have suffered burn injuries. These scars tighten skin that can hamper your ability to perform certain movements. They can also affect muscles and nerves if they are deep.

Acne Scars

You will probably have acne scars if you have gone through severe acne. There are various types of acne scars that range from deep pits to scars that are angular or wavelike in appearance and shape. The treatments involved in it depends on the type of acne scars you have.

Hypertrophic Scars

Hypertrophic scars are similar to keloid scars and are raised and red scars. They do not go beyond the boundary of the injury, unlike keloid scars. Steroid injections and silicone sheets to flatten the scars are used during treatments.



Steroid injections are a common treatment to treat those types of scars that stick out. The doctors can use such injections individually or with some other treatments to treat the scar. They are mostly used to treat hypertrophic and keloid scars.

Surgical Removal or Treatment

Depending on how deep your scar is, there are various treatments that are used to treat them like skin graft, excision, dermabrasion, or laser surgery. A skin graft involves a procedure where skin from another part of your body is taken to cover the affected skin and is mostly used to treat burn injuries. Surgeries can also help improve functional problems caused by scars. In case, you have recently gone through a surgery that left a scar, you should wait a significant time before you go for scar removal surgeries. Scars fade over time.

Medicines, Creams, or Gels

Products like over-the-top counter medicines, ointments, creams, gels, or other such things can be used to treat scars that are caused by cuts or other such injuries. In case, your injury is caused by plastic or cosmetic surgery, ask for the possibility of treatment with medicines. Likewise, ask your dermatologist for help if you have scars from skin injuries.

Laser Treatments

Laser therapies have been proved to be of immense help and have a high success rate. It can remove tumors and other such growths, improve vision, stop hair loss and treat pain. It can also treat the appearance of scars. It includes moving a laser wand repeatedly over the damaged skin to remove damaged skin cells and reduce scars. This procedure involves light and heat and your doctor may not recommend this treatment to you if you are light sensitive.

Scars can be emotionally devastating even if they are a natural part of the healing process. They can negatively impact self-esteem and confidence and can also result in complications mentally. There are also many side-effects to think about like pain, tenderness, itching or anxiety, and/or depression.

But with the right treatments and therapies, you can relax and go through scar removals. They may not ever completely go away but they can be reduced and treated with the right procedures. So do not be disheartened and consult your dermatologist to help.