Picture of low testosterone, two men standing

The Top Six Common Signs of Low Testosterone in Men

Testosterone hormone is an important hormone because it supports a wide range of crucial processes in the male body. Testosterone is primarily synthesized by the testicles, but smaller amounts are also produced by the adrenal glands. As men grow older, the levels of testosterone produced by the body tend to reduce naturally. As a result, boosting the levels of this hormone is important because of its importance. Read on to know the signs and symptoms of low testosterone levels in men.

Memory problems

Apart from affecting the physical aspects of men, testosterone also affects brain functions including memory. Brain fog and the general decline in focus and memory are the most noticeable effects of low levels of testosterone in men. A study carried out on men above 70 years showed that the decrease in testosterone levels with age is closely related to cognitive decline. As the levels of testosterone hormone decrease, men tend to suffer negative effects associated with cognitive functions like memory.


Testosterone is an important hormone that is responsible for keeping you alert, energetic, and motivated. When the production levels are low, you may end up feeling lethargic and fatigued even in times when you are always full of energy. Low levels of testosterone are associated with chronic fatigue in men. Therefore, your testosterone levels may be low if you feel extremely lethargic and tired even after drinking coffee and consuming energy-rich foods. If you think your t levels are low, you can use a free online hormone assessment to get your exact levels tested without having to leave your home.

Poor Mood

Testosterone levels impact mood, confidence, and quality of life for men of different ages. According to studies, hypo gonadal men who do not seek treatment tend to portray severe symptoms of anxiety, sexual dysfunction, poor quality of life, and depression when compared to men who sought testosterone therapy. A foul mood is not always a sign of low testosterone levels. However, if you always feel anxious, depressed, irritates, and tired, then you need to check your testosterone levels and get the best testosterone booster for men over 40.

Increased body fat and loss of muscle mass

Testosterone helps in building muscle and losing body fat. Therefore, low levels of this hormone will contribute to a loss of muscle mass and an accumulation of body fat, especially in the belly. Scientific studies on testosterone show that even when muscle mass is affected, muscle function and strength is not affected by low levels of testosterone.

Low libido and erectile dysfunction

Adequate levels of testosterone are needed for erections. During sexual arousal, testosterone hormone stimulates the production of nitric oxide, a compound that helps to dilate blood vessels, relax smooth muscles, and enable blood flow to the penis. Since testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, sex drive in men tends to decline with age. Therefore, a sudden, significant loss of libido may be a sign that your testosterone levels are low.


Testosterone helps the body to produce red blood cells. Therefore, lower levels of testosterone will cause a reduction in the production of red blood cells, which will, in turn, cause anemia. Furthermore, anemia can also cause weakness and fatigue. Therefore, if you are anemic, it may be associated with low levels of testosterone in the body.

The effects of low testosterone tend to affect your everyday life. Even though you cannot regulate natural decrease, there are many things that you can do to help alleviate the symptoms. Testosterone replacement, medical interventions, and lifestyle changes are ideal methods of treatment. There are several ways of administering testosterone hormone, for example, gels, pellets, oral tablets patches, and injections. Make sure you talk to your doctor so that he/she can determine the best treatment model that will give desired results.

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