Elderly man walking with cane in the snow

3 Ways to Help Your Grandparents Stay Healthy During Winter

The winter can be an especially trying time for the elderly. So it’s your job to make every effort to ensure your grandparents are safe, secure, and healthy during these difficult colder months. Otherwise, they could end up needlessly catching a cold, slipping and falling, or even worse.

As a grandchild dedicated to their grandparents, it’s up to you to make sure they remain healthy and protected. This is especially true if there isn’t anyone else around to lend them a helping hand.

So make every effort to visit regularly during the winter and keep your grandparents healthy. Ask them how they are doing and ask them if they need any additional assistance that you wouldn’t normally provide. Some people are too afraid to ask others for help. So take it upon yourself to offer help outside of the norm. Your grandparents will be grateful that you are willing and able to provide assistance during their time of need.

Do you want to help your grandparents in other ways over the winter? If so, please keep reading to discover the best ways to provide help during the grueling cold months filled with frigid temperatures, freezing rain, and way too much snow.

1. Make Yourself Available to Drive Your Grandparents to Doctor Appointments

Just like everyone else, your grandparents are going to get sick and catch colds during the winter. They’ll also want to take the necessary steps to protect themselves against colds and flu. So they’ll need to make multiple trips to the doctor’s office during the cold and inclement weather. Making yourself available to drive them to these appointments is very important to their health and well-being.

As an example let’s say your grandmother needs new hearing aids in Kittery. Unfortunately, she lives half an hour from the audiologist’s office and no longer drives. Instead of skipping this appointment, you can offer to take her there. By driving her to her appointment, she can get her new hearing aids and no longer have to keep yelling at everyone to ask them to speak louder.

2. Clean Up the Snow from Your Grandparents’ Driveways and Sidewalks

Snow removal is incredibly difficult for the elderly. As people age, they lose their strength and mobility. So, many elderly people need additional help cleaning up their walkway, their driveway, and their property in general.

If you care about your grandparents as much as we think you do, you should remember to show up to their house whenever it snows to help clean up their property. If they still drive, remember to clean up around their car so they can get in and out easily during the winter. Shovel the snow from the sidewalks, driveway, and the front of the house. Make sure the path remains clear so they can easily walk in and out of the house and car without any snowy obstructions blocking their way.

3. Make Sure Your Grandparents Are Properly Dressed for the Cold Weather

Elderly man walking outside

Sometimes attempting to motivate and encourage your grandparents to dress warmly isn’t going to be enough. Unfortunately, we often forget things as we age. So providing proper encouragement and motivation might not matter if your grandparents cannot remember to dress warmly.

You have to take it upon yourself to check up on them regularly instead. Go to their house during the winter in the morning and make sure they are properly dressed for the cold. While you’re at it, make sure the heat is working correctly and see if it’s set to a warm temperature. Otherwise, your grandparents could end up catching a cold, flu, or another virus when they are more susceptible during the colder months.


Your grandparents really care about you and love you and only want what’s best for you. They took care of you when you were younger and did everything they could to make sure you lead a happy and healthy life. Now it’s your turn to return the favor.

Consider the information shared above and use it as a guide to help your grandparents during the winter season. You’ll be glad you took it upon yourself to provide them with support to ensure their overall health, happiness, and positive well-being.

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