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5 Essential Supplements For Boosting Teeth and Gum Health

Much like the rest of the body, our teeth and gums need a solid daily dose of vitamins and minerals to remain at optimal health. And although a balanced diet is generally enough to ensure sufficient intake, taking supplements may be beneficial in some situations.

Let’s take a look of what vitamins and minerals we need to protect our teeth and gums, as well as what foods what can find them in. After all, prevention is the most affordable dental care of all.

5 Essential Supplements For Dental Health


If your dentist told you anything about dental nutrition, it would have been to consume more calcium. The mineral is fundamental for the formation and maintenance of healthy teeth.

Calcium is abundant in dairy products such as yogurt and milk, as well as fish, including salmon and sardines. Leafy greens and fortified cereals are excellent calcium options for vegans.


After calcium, phosphorus is the second most common mineral in the body, and it also happens to be a superstar at maintaining healthy teeth. Phosphorus helps the body to continuously repair damaged body tissue and works in conjunction with calcium to stop your teeth becoming brittle.

The best way to ensure you meet your daily phosphorus requirements is to eat plenty of protein dense foods such as beef, nuts, and dairy. Other valuable sources include whole grains and dried fruit. Given that it’s abundant in many food groups, most people already have enough phosphorus in their diet and won’t require supplements.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the major players for maintaining a healthy set of teeth. It serves as a micronutrient that signals to your intestines to absorb calcium into your bloodstream after ingestion.

Effectively, that means a person with a vitamin D deficiency won’t have enough calcium in their system regardless of how much calcium-dense food they consume. This deficiency results in brittle bones and has a significant impact on your teeth. To fix this Vitamin D deficiency, someone can either increase their sun exposure, or have more Vitamin-D-rich foods, such as soy milk, orange juice, and fatty fish, which all contain a generous amount of Vitamin D.

Vitamin C

This essential nutrient plays a pivotal role in repairing body tissue, which makes it an indispensable element for your gums. The vitamin is so fundamental because it helps to form blood vessels and other tissues in your gum, which serve to fortify the region and heal damage over time.

The sailors of old used to suffer gum disease from scurvy, which is a direct result of not eating enough fresh fruit and vegetables to reach their recommended daily intake. Citrus fruits are exceptionally high in vitamin C.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for healthy gums, and it works wonders at keeping your mouth healthy as well. The vitamin assists your body in maintaining tissues, as well as mucous membranes.

Meat, dairy, and poultry are excellent sources of preformed vitamin A, while fruit and veggies are high in Provitamin A.

Stock photo of supplement pills

Taking Supplements for Teeth and Gum Health

So now we know what vitamins and minerals we need to maintain healthy teeth and gums, how can we know we’re taking the recommended amount?

The truth is that measuring the precise dosage of your consumption and comparing that against the recommended daily intake is a complicated and time-consuming task. For most people, simply sticking to a healthy and balanced diet will be enough to ensure you receive enough of the aforementioned nutrients. In any case, it’s always best to discuss your diet with your dentist first to determine whether supplements could be beneficial for you.

For children under five years of age, they are often recommended to take vitamin supplements, as is anyone who doesn’t come into frequent contact with the sun, such as the elderly or the frail. To ensure your kids receive all the important nutrients that support growth and development, don’t forget to make regular appointments with your trusted family health care provider.

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