Picture of a dental implant being installed

Dental Implants: Will You Feel Any Pain Before and After the Procedure?

Implants are one of the most revered innovations in modern dentistry. They provide a realistic way to replace missing teeth. Some patients opt for implants to replace damaged teeth. Others want them for cosmetic purposes. The implant procedure is also extremely complex and requires oral surgery. Understandably, this makes some patients nervous.

Dental implants are a great alternative to dentures, partials, and crowns, but do they hurt? Since placing implants is a surgical procedure, many patients wonder if it’s also painful. Unfortunately, too many patients put off treatment out of fear. In most instances, the anticipation of getting implants is much worse than the actual procedure. Here’s what implants patients should expect before, during, and after getting implants.

Before Getting Implants

Before a patient gets an implant, the dentist must extract the damaged tooth. Extraction is indicated if a tooth is fractured, severely decayed, or otherwise injured. Depending on the patient’s case, one or more teeth may be involved.

Tooth extraction is a painless procedure. The dentist will fully numb the patient’s mouth, usually with both topical and injectable medications. They will then loosen the tooth and remove it using forceps. However, if the patient needs several teeth extracted at once, the dentist may recommend surgical removal.

During the Implant Procedure

Once the extraction site heals, the dentist can surgically place the implant. Those receiving a single implant may remain awake during the procedure. The dentist will numb the area completely with a local anesthetic. This step ensures the patients won’t feel a thing during the incision and drilling. Although the dentist must drill into the jawbone, that area has no nerves and cannot sense pain. Most patients report feeling slight pressure or tingling.

The procedure is a bit more complex if the dentist is placing multiple implants. In these cases, the patient will go under general anesthesia and essentially sleep through the entire treatment. They will not be aware during the surgery and will not feel any pain. Before the patient wakes up, the dentist will administer a local anesthetic to prevent discomfort.

After Getting Implants

Most patients experience some discomfort and tenderness in the days immediately following the procedure. Post-operative pain often feels similar to getting a tooth extracted. It’s easy to manage any pain using over-the-counter pain medications, but some patients don’t need anything. Most pain will subside within 72 hours, but the patient should call their dentist if it lingers or gets worse.

Healing after getting an implant does take time. The implant post needs to fuse to the jawbone, known as osseointegration. This can take about six months. However, patients should not experience pain during this period. The patient should follow any post-op instructions to help their implant heal faster. For example, the dentist may recommend a soft diet and give detailed instructions on how to clean the surgery site.

Say Hello to a Beautiful Smile

The ensure process of getting implants can last months, but the result is worth the wait. Once the implants have enough time to bond with the jaw, the patient will be able to enjoy their favorite foods once again. Best of all, they will be able to flash their smile without any discomfort. Since implants look and feel like natural teeth, they are one of the most recommended solutions for restoring a once-damaged smile.