Pulmonologist examining a patient

3 Ways A Pulmonologist Can Help Improve Your Health

Although you may not think about them all the time, your lungs are truly significant. They primarily help distribute oxygen to the bloodstream and all throughout your body to keep other organs working optimally. They also help in other crucial functions, such as respiration, protection against infection, and serving as a buffer for the heart during certain shocks.

Considering this impact, you must take care of your lungs to avoid respiratory issues that can compromise your entire health. It’s also necessary to see a specialist when you’re experiencing mild symptoms of an underlying chronic medical condition.

When To Go To A Pulmonologist?

Pulmonology is a subspecialty of internal medicine specifically committed to studying and performing research regarding the prevention and treatment of infections and ailments of the respiratory system. Commonly, this includes breathing conditions, sleep problems, and the like.

Generally, you won’t have to meet a pulmonologist if you’re suffering from a mild respiratory condition, such as a cough due to certain allergies. Your primary health physician will be able to take care of this.

Nevertheless, your primary care provider may refer you to a pulmonologist when they start to discover complex lung problems that are out of their expertise. You’re also required to go to a healthcare facility, such as Nova Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Associates and other similar health centers, after two or more weeks of persistent cough or even after days of having difficulty in breathing.

Ways A Pulmonologist Can Help Improve Your Health

With their extensive training in medical school, pulmonologists can help tackle various respiratory problems and boost your lung health. To show you, below are ways a pulmonologist can help improve the status of your health.

1. Handles Various Cardiopulmonary Conditions

With long years of medical training, a pulmonologist can perform a variety of clinical procedures involved in handling an array of respiratory problems. Respiratory problems include, but aren’t limited to, asthma, tuberculosis, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, lung cancer, and the like.

These lung doctors work with patients to alleviate pressing chronic symptoms that affect the cardiopulmonary system. Hence, if it seems like your mild respiratory problem has become unmanageable, you’re residing in a highly-polluted area, or has a job that could put you at risk for developing lung cancer, consult a pulmonologist.

2. Provides Diagnosis

With the advent of technology, there are now more medical systems and tools that are available to help convey faster and accurate diagnostic results. This is an important aid to a lot of medical doctors, including pulmonologists.

Through the use of these devices, pulmonologists are able to immediately screen, detect, and diagnose chronic lung illnesses. Once a diagnosis has been provided, the right intervention can then be performed to help mitigate the rise of other complex respiratory problems.

3. Designs Treatment And Illness Management Programs

Enjoying life doesn’t end when you encounter a serious lung disease. By reaching out to pulmonologists, they can provide you professional advice and aid in managing your chronic respiratory illness to enhance the quality of your life.

Depending on the complexity of the illness, treatment programs and/ or prescriptions may vary. Some patients may have to undergo surgeries, while others may have to stay in a rehabilitation center to restore their health

Moreover, although antibiotics and steroids are useful in clearing up your lungs and helping you breathe clearly again, these medications can be harmful in the long haul. To help reduce your dependability on these prescription drugs, pulmonologists will design treatment programs to teach you healthy coping strategies and exercises you can do at home. They may also collaborate with respiratory therapists and asthma educators to help present a treatment plan that’s tailored for you.

If necessary, pulmonologists will also provide breathing devices, such as inhalers, to help you breathe properly. This is especially true if you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that can cause shortness of breath.

While it can be difficult to live with a lung condition, pulmonologists will teach you techniques to make the lifestyle adjustments bearable and doable for you. All these may help you continue living life despite your lung condition.

Wrapping It Up

While genetics play a critical factor that could predict lung health stability, your environment and lifestyle habits can also contribute to their current health.

Take note that when your lungs are infected, it influences the quality of your life and can potentially shorten your lifespan. Likewise, when something’s quite off with your respiratory system, other organs are at risk because of it.

Oftentimes, lung conditions are permanent. Considering this, it’s important to seek immediate help when you’re experiencing moderate to severe respiratory problems. Working with a pulmonologist can help screen and detect any serious problem that could be mitigated. Apart from this, your pulmonologist can create treatment programs to help you live life to the fullest despite your lung condition.