Picture of a woman sleeping

How Sleep Helps In Easing Chronic Pain

While getting extra hours to sleep, say two hours, helps an individual ease musculoskeletal pain, people with chronic pain find it one of the hardest things to do. Typically, people with chronic pain tend to experience light, unrefreshing, and low quality sleep during the night. This is because due to often disruption by long awakening times. Chronic pain and insomnia seem to be highly correlated, with inverse proportionate relations.

With chronic pain, it can be worse some days than others. And whenever you may be experiencing your chronic pain, it can be hard to tell other no or decline an invitation. But you need to learn how to say now for your own health. You know your body better than anyone, so learn to listen to it when it is telling you it is tired and needs rest. There is no shame in saying no from time to time.

Why Individuals with Chronic Pain Need More Sleep

Poor sleeping patterns are a great cause of tiredness, worse pains, depressed feelings, and lack of energy. Pain during the day results in poor quality sleep, and the poor sleeping will amount to increased pain levels. However, the other way works perfectly well. Sleep is a painkiller that will help alleviate chronic pain easily.

It is essential to know your sleep patterns and sleep stages alike to appreciate the interrelationship between sleep and chronic pains. For this reason, health practitioners should examine sleep patterns for people who have worsening chronic pain levels. While others consider sleep as the state in which the mind recuperates from the day fatigue, research shows that it is a series of carefully regulated states that occur cyclically every night. Sleep plays an essential role in balancing homeostasis; deep sleep helps individuals battling chronic pain balancing homeostasis.

Sleep affects how your brain assesses pain. With enough sleep, the somatosensory cortex, a brain region responsible for sensing pain, is not super active. Therefore, the nucleus accumbens releases the neurotransmitter dopamine, which relieves pain and stimulates happiness. More hour of comfortable sleep helps individual suffering from chronic pain withstand the pain and as well makes the pain less intense. If you are battling chronic pain, it is equally important to understand what it means to have a good quality sleep.

Healthy sleep, which is equally a painkiller, is categorized into two states: rapid eye movement (REM) and non-REM. These two distinct states are both essential in balancing mental homeostasis. Additionally, sleeping is a process that cycles through stages. The stages include:

  • Lighter sleep stages, which constitute of stage 1 that last to a maximum of 10 minutes before stage 2 begins.
  • A slow-wave stage which includes stages 3 and 4 which in non-REM is characterized by deeper sleep and low brain activity.
  • The sleep steeply progresses to stage 1, then stage 2, and culminates with REM sleep lasting to about 5 minutes.
  • The cycle alternates throughout the night. REM sleep is lengthy as the night begins and tends to shorten towards morning.

It is noteworthy that after every cycle, we wake up. However, most individuals may not notice. If you are in chronic pains, you are likely to wake up, and upon noticing your pain, you beef up the nervous system activity. Definitely, you will take longer to calm down and fall asleep again.

There are several ways you can alleviate your pain. Besides sleeping, one increasingly popular way to reduce pain is kratom. This is a tropical tree that belongs to the coffee family, and whose leaves may have psychotropic effects. While research is ongoing to determine its effects, higher doses of this plant may relieve your pain, and if used in excess, it may stimulate sleep. It may work as a pain reliever and activates sleep nerves, which is equally important in easing pain. They are mostly available online but make sure to find a trusted seller.


Making a sleeping routine can help you improve your sleeping habit drastically. However, do not go to bed when you not sleep; this way, you will sleep only when your energy level is low. To quickly drop off to sleep, avoid noise and stimulating activities like watching and internet, and surely you will find it easier to ease your chronic pain. Quality sleep comes with a comfortable environment, thus the need to check on your bedroom. Avoid much light at night to help the body produce melatonin, which stimulates sleep. Observing theses will make you have deep and quality sleep that is ideal in easing your pain.