Why Do Some Farts Smell? (& How To Make Them Smell Better)

Farting, or passing gas, is an obvious part of one’s daily activities. It is said that a healthy person, on an average, passes gases 14 times a day. Almost 1.5-2 liters of gas are emitted from the body this way.

Some farts are smelly, others are not. However, both of them are considered to be completely normal, and signs of a healthy, properly digesting body.

Some people live under the misconception that farting is a sign of consuming low-quality food or food products that did not suit their body. But, this is not true. Farting is a sign that the digestive system of the person is working just well and the bacteria that help in the digestion of food are perfectly doing their job.

But, things get escalated further when a person is constantly facing the problem of passing smelly farts, one that could easily be labeled as the “deadly” ones!

Not only could they be embarrassing for the person himself, especially if he makes the mistake of passing them silently in a public gathering, but it could also be an indicator towards a health concern that the person needs to pay attention to.
Let us look into the possible causes that cause smelly farts and discover if some magical fart pills could help resolve the problem!

What Causes Smelly Farts?

Several causes may be the culprit behind smelly farts. We have enlisted the top-most causes that could easily help you in finding your reason for this problem.

High-Fiber Diet:
If you are eating a lot of fiber-rich foods, then chances are that this is the reason why your farts smell bad. Fiber-foods like spinach, broccoli, garlic, etc. usually have a distinctive odor, somewhere close to rotten eggs. High-fiber foods need their time for digestion, and it is their breakdown that releases sulfur in the gas, thus causing the gas to turn extremely smelly.

Lactose/Gluten Intolerance:
The majority of the people are intolerant to lactose and gluten. In such people, foods containing gluten (wheat, cereals, bread) or lactose (milk, cheese, ice-cream) are unable to get broken down into their constituent elements because of the absence of the enzyme that is responsible for breaking them down in the first place, and this results in these food items passing down from the mouth to the small intestine in their unabsorbed form. This results in an odorous gas to be accumulated and consequently expelled out as smelly farts.
Some people might also develop intolerance to certain food items due to Celiac Disease, which needs proper evaluation and treatment.

Constipation is one of the most common problems faced by every other person nowadays. Constipation causes stool to be accumulated in the colon (large intestine) but fails to expel it out from there. This condition is in itself quite painful and uncomfortable for the person, and may also cause bloating and excessive belching.
Even if the person is unable to pass stool, he still passes very foul-smelling farts, that are attributed to the accumulation of old stool.





It is no surprising fact that many medicines, talking in particular about the multivitamins and other supplements that people are used to taking daily are the main culprits behind causing dark stools. Not only do they cause dark stools, but also contribute to making the farts smell worse than ever, which pinpoints to the fact that they have been digested by the body. Some antibiotics also contribute to this fact when fighting off an infection.



What Can I Do To Stop My Farts From Smelling So Bad?

The best way out of this situation might be a trip to the doctor, who would help you in elucidating the reason behind smelly farts. But we understand that this is a very personal issue and not everyone feels comfortable in discussing such (smelly) details with everyone.

One up-and-coming solution to smelly farts is fart pills.

Advantages of Fart Pills

  • These fart pills are completely safe and their formula suits everyone.
  • These pills will help in naturally decreasing the formation of gases and gas pressure in your body.
  • They also help in reducing the odor of the farts and make it bearable. 
  • They will help in increasing palatable flatulence.

Fart pills are increasingly popular as a solution to smelly farts. Many users report feeling more confident and less on-edge about letting one “slip out”!