Man holding his stomach suffering from bloating

Why Do You Feel Bloated?

Bloat is that uncomfortable feeling of fullness, distention, and tightness in the abdomen area. It often occurs after you eat, typically caused by digestive gasses such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, and in some cases, sulfur or methane.

Bloating could be a result of many different things. But contrary to popular belief, eating is not really one of them.

So, What Causes It?

Seemingly normal daily tasks can result in bloating, including the following.

  • Eating foods high in fiber – This is especially true if you consume foods high in fiber such as whole grains and fibrous veggies that your body is not used to.
  • Eating too fast or overeating – When you eat an enormous amount of food very quickly and without short breaks, your brain and your body will not have enough time to feel the signs of satiety or fullness that indicate you need to stop eating. Next thing you know, you will feel bloated as if you just consumed two to three meals and you will feel your abdomen accommodating it.
  • Regularly consuming packaged and processed foods – Sodium or salt is notorious for making the body retain water and in turn, bloat. That being said, try to reduce your intake of processed foods and go for naturally sodium-free or low-sodium whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.
  • Lactose intolerance – For people who lack lactase, which is an enzyme required for digesting lactose, you might feel bloating or nausea 30 minutes or an hour after eating dairy foods like cheese and milk.
  • Taking in air – If you are drinking carbonated beverages or consuming chewing gum on a regular basis, you are probably taking in excess air that causes you to feel bloated.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – In some individuals, certain foods such as dairy products, vegetables, fruits, and sweeteners may produce discomfort, bloating, and gas.If this applies to you, your doctor will put you on a specific diet to figure out which kinds of foods you are sensitive to. They may also recommend that you take supplements that contain probiotics to relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Gluten intolerance – Certain individuals who have gluten intolerance or celiac disease might feel bloated and gassy after consuming foods that have gluten, so you may have to cut out foods with gluten.

When Is Bloating Something More Serious?

In some cases, bloating may indicate something more serious than common digestive problems, intolerance to certain foods, or menstrual changes. It is very crucial to keep a close eye on when you feel boated and consult your doctor if your bloating comes with significant pain that persists.

Some people who suffer from various stomach disorders and heartburn, meanwhile, purposefully swallow air to ease their pain. Diagnosing gastric inflammation or esophageal reflux must be excluded using x-rays, ultrasound, or an endoscopy by a gastroenterologist in Spanish Fork.

If bloat becomes a serious problem, your gastroenterologist may also have to rule out bowel obstruction, IBS, colon cancer, and other gastrointestinal conditions. Visit your doctor if you have chronic bloating and if it is accompanied by other issues like persistent stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, or bloody stools.

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